Enlightened -- Chapter 1

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Zach took his high school's steps three at a time thinking:





He just heard the first bell let out its shrill call as he crested the last step, and if he didn't get his ass in his seat before the second went off, he'd be visiting Principal Tuma for sure.

In fact, Mr. Knight, his homeroom teacher, was nice enough to remind him yesterday that one more late and he could forget about detention.

HE (emphasis on the HE) would be riding the bench for the big game this weekend.

The Haven High Saints, his school's basketball team, were going head to head with their arch-rivals the Lowell High Cardinals and there was no way in hell he was missing the game.

With that thought, he put on a burst of speed and threw the entryway doors open in a wide arc. In doing so he had a sudden flash of Jack Nicholson doing the same thing in The Shining, which of course left him wondering if he looked half as crazed right now.

Ever since he joined the team in seventh grade, it had been a struggle for them to be taken seriously. It seemed like every time anyone on the team started getting even remotely good they'd drop out, and the team would find themselves back to square one. This led to their notorious "Cellar Dweller" reputation in their local High School division, but this year he thought they had a real chance of making it to the playoffs.

Especially since their forward was just starting to get good . . . I mean really good.

Zach hardly ever tripped over his own two feet any more. He was finally growing into his 6 foot 5 inch frame with no signs of stopping his upward trend.

Coincidentally, that was why he was late this morning. Every time he had a new growth spurt it zombified him, left him exhausted. Twenty hours of sleep a night wouldn't be enough. His dads were constantly joking that they thought he just might be their family cat.

And of course, what fifteen year old guy doesn't want to be compared to a lazy kitten.

The thought brought a smile to his face as he raced to his locker, weaving through the already thinning crowd of kids - which was frankly not a good sign. He was cutting it way too close. Thank God his locker was right next to home room. He was just about to whiz past the doorway when a tiny hand shot out of nowhere and pulled him through the door.

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