Chapter 26

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The next day after training the entire crew met at the library to search the stacks; hoping to find that one perfect solution to their magical conundrum, and even with Lauren's ability and hours of searching they had to admit that, if the solution even existed; they had no clue how to find it.

They even went to Clio who said that there were texts on pretty much everything in the library, but she wouldn't know specifically if there was any mention of scrying without being in possession of the item being used.

She even went through the stacks herself and brought back volumes of texts on the subject, but none of them would work. Either they required elaborate rituals or ceremonies and required blood sacrifices or the body parts of mystical being like unicorn horns or manticore wings.

Lauren flatly refused to kill anything -- man or creature. So it was back to the drawing board.

It was nearly ten pm when they finally had to call it. There wasn't a solution to be found and they all had to agree that not even magic can be counted on to always make the impossible possible.

They were all sitting around the tables feeling hopeless when Lauren made an announcement, "Guys, she sighed," I need to go to le Fay. It's the only way."

Zach objected right away," Lauren that won't work she'd the guardian of the Isle she'll never tell us where it is."

"Oh you're right about that Zach, but that's not what I'm going to see her about."

Everyone turned to look at her with puzzled expressions. While Donnie thought if she wasn't going to her about the Isle then why? But he didn't have to wonder for long his question was promptly answered with her next statement.

"I'm going to ask her if she knows how to scry an item without possessing the item yourself but alternatively with an item that someone else has on their person and more importantly if it can be done without mutilating anything."

"I can come along too and use my ability to make people tell the truth," Zach offered.

"Well if it will make her at least slightly less hateful that would be a bonus." Lauren said with a chuckle.

Kelly got up then and straightened her skirt saying, "I think all ya'll are crazier than a Bessie bug. Ya'll can count me out of this nonsense. Later." And she grabbed her purse and promptly left.

Donnie wasn't the only one to notice she'd left someone behind. Xander sat by himself on the other side of the library. Donnie had been trying to ignore the two all night – there was only so much his broken heart could take – but in his endeavors to ignore the two, he had evidently missed the fact that they hadn't even sat together. And then it struck him.

Xander and Kelly's on and again and off again relationship must be off again. And he had to admit he wasn't a very good person even before he smiled happily.

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