Chapter 15

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Cameron stood in the drizzle and damp of an early February morning in front of a historical building in Chinatown. At least he thought it was historic. It had the number 1920 written on it which didn't coincide with the address, so it must mean the date it was built.

It was a three story apartment building with metal terraces on each floor. The building was a shocking pink and white with jade accents strewn about its exterior and Chinese calligraphy above every door and window. Jade lanterns dangled from the overhangs above each terrace, and the ceiling of each terrace featured bright red Chinese tiles depicting golden dragons.

He was awestruck by the building. There were quite a few architectural features to take in after all, but he had to wonder if he was really admiring the workmanship that went into its construction or if he was just stalling. Where he was certain yesterday, self doubt crept in today.

What did he know about Mongolian Death Worms any way? He'd done some research on them in the Magical Library at school before Delphi had given him this address. He knew that they were considered mythical cryptids by the Unenlightened, like Big Foot and the Yeti, but that they were also considered to be the result of the overactive imagination of humans. No one had ever captured one or taken a decent picture or video of one in the desert in which it is rumored to inhabit. That could mean only one thing; they were smart enough to escape detection.

The library didn't have a lot of information on them either and what they did have was limited to a description of the being, which was frankly gruesome, and it's methods of killing its prey, which was even more alarming.

The worm is said to be about 2-5 feet long and has a bright red hue. It inhabits the south western part of the Gobi desert on the outer edge of Mongolia. It's said to live underground in hibernation most of the year until the rainy season of June and July when it comes to the surface to feed on Camels and lay its eggs in their carcasses. Mongolians think it kills at a distance either by shooting venom or by means of electrocution. They believe that touching any part of the worm will cause certain death with excruciating pain. It is reported as well that its venom is highly corrosive and can burn a whole through any type of metal, but the library made no mention of it being able to give a magical being their full powers.

In thinking about the creature he potentially faced he found it hard to convince his feet to move to the side of the terrace where an elaborate set of wrought iron stairs awaited him. But he wasn't here to admire the architecture he was here to change his life. So he took long loping strides that ate up the distance and didn't give him any time to chicken out.

And once there, he was greeted by a set of sculpted jade foo dogs. They sat on a pillar on either side of the stairs guarding the entrance. He took a moment to marvel at how real they looked, and he was just about to run his hand over their cold smooth surface, in hopes that they would bring him luck, when one turned its head menacingly toward him making him jump back in shock.

When the other let out a threatening growl, he started cooing to it like a small child saying, "Nice statue, good statue, you don't want to hurt little old me, do you?" According to his trembling voice he wasn't convinced of that himself.

The one that had turned said something in Chinese to him in a deep growly voice.

"S-s-sorry I-I d-don't speak Chinese," Cam stammered.

"What is your business here magic wielder?" the other grumbled out with a THICK Chinese accent.

Cam was about to correct him, he was no wielder, but he took one look at their very sharp teeth and thought better of it.

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