Chapter 11

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Author Note:

Hey guys,

I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the over 20K reads that the book has gotten so far. I'm so grateful for all the support my loyal readers have shown me and I hope you continue to come back to read the tales of the gang at Haven High. Who would have thought just four short months ago that thousands of people would have read my pages. It makes me so glad I found the courage to share the story with you. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. 


Cam walked down the empty corridors of the magic wing. He never heard it so quiet before; it was almost eerie. He could hear the ticking of a distant clock with his preternatural hearing, but nothing else. The usual sound of shuffling feet on the hard linoleum was not present. Was he too late? How was he going to find their trail if they had already left for another location? Had his agony been for nothing?

Then he heard it, the sound of a classroom door closing in a nearby corridor. He quickly, but silently headed in the direction of the only sound he'd heard, his heart starting to race in his chest when he heard voices down the corridor.

"Enitan we must do something," Knight said with his crisp British accent, "we can't just standby and let this happen."

Cam stopped dead in his tracks. They voices were just around the corner. He held his breath and inched closer to see if he could get a look at who was talking.

"I concur," Helsing interjected, "how can we be complicit; they are only children?"

"Tim, Abe I wish there was something we could do, but our hands are tied. If we openly defy the council they will remove us from our positions and replace us with mentors that don't have the children's best interest at heart and then where would our students be?"

"So what you are saying is that our actions, or lack thereof, are out of altruism rather than cowardice? I think not." Knight said indignantly.

"We must stop the council," Helsing uttered vehemently.

His principal spoke then and it sounded like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Gentleman you know I despise the council as much as you do, but our time would be better spent stopping the insurgents. They are the reason the children are in this predicament in the first place."

Cam couldn't believe what he was hearing, were the teachers working on bringing down Liam's crew too?

Tuma cleared his throat and said, "Gentleman we must table this discussion for another time you are late to join your training classes."

"I will train them, but I refuse to let them be lambs to the slaughter." Knight declared before they broke up and went their separate ways, which luckily did not include his direction.

Once they turned their individual corners Cam snuck over to the closed classroom door and listened intently from the other side.

There were no sounds of combat coming from inside the classroom, or perhaps training room would be a better guess, but that wasn't surprising. If magic could mask the sound of a heavy metal band in a tent it could silence a training session on the other side of a solid wood door.

Cam tested the knob to see if it was locked and when it made a full clockwise rotation he took a deep breath and inched it open slowly. The last thing he wanted to do was announce his presence to the council trainers on the other side.

He guessed from the brief conversation between the teachers that the strange kids were being trained for a secret mission. Perhaps the council was even preparing them to go deep undercover to infiltrate Liam's gang?

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