Chapter 30

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I found the above picture during a google image search of The Stone of Truth and thought it couldn't be more puurfect. LOL


Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

They landed at the Leonardo da Vinci International Airport six hours later having lost an hour as well because of Daylight Savings time. It was just minutes from eleven pm and they still needed to get through customs and grab a taxi across town to get to the Piazza della Bocca della Verità, in the city centre. The Stone of Truth and the entrance to the court of Caits could be found there.

Donnie stood up and began to pace nervously as they taxied down the runway and came to a stop outside of the terminal.

At least by travelling by private jet they could avoid the normal crowds at customs, but they would be cutting it very close and he didn't like it one bit.

Once outside the teens piled into the famous yellow cabs of Roma Italy -- bags and all. Donnie had grabbed the first cab in the long line up of cabs while Kelly to his surprise dove in beside him. When he looked at her funny, she said," What's your problem Sugah? I'm coming with you. No one messes with kittens and gets away with it." She announced vehemently.

Zach and Lauren got in right after them. Their weapons forced them to have to struggle awkwardly into the cab. Lauren had taken the time to spell the scabbard on the boat ride back to Swan Sea and it now hung around Donnie's left shoulder were it would remain until they retrieved the girls.

Donnie shudder when he thought, Mia, Alunda, and Donna were probably terrified.

He hoped with every fiber of his being that they were unharmed.

Donnie's leg shook and vibrated with frustration as they rode across the city until Kelly reached out her hand and clutched his upper thigh firmly in her grasp, "Sugah," she said in an annoyed tone, "If you don't stop doing that I'm going to knock you out for the rest of the ride."

She locked him in her hypnotically stare and he was lost in her beautiful eyes.

He cleared his throat and said nervously, "Sorry Cara, I just worry about the girls."

"Me too sugah, we'll get them back don't worry."

And that was literally the first kind words she had said to him since the 'Nice try' incident in school. He wished he could figure out what that meant. He wanted to ask her now but they had an audience and he knew she wouldn't appreciate it, besides he needed to keep his mind on his cousins and getting them home safely.

Kelly had turned from him the moment she uttered the words of encouragement seeming to regret them and fixed her stare straight out the window to watch the city fly by, but something was telling him she wasn't lost in the scenery. She was deep in thought, but what could she be thinking, he could not fathom.

The Haven High Book Series (Wattys2017)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα