Chapter 15

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I just want to take a moment to acknowledge all the support that you have given me. Enlightened Haven High Book One is now ranked #65 on the hotlist. Just 15 away from being in the top 50 in Paranormal. I never would have been able to do it without you. I and the humble crew of Haven High thank you from the bottom of our hearts for getting us here. I just know we can make it to the top 50 before the end of this month. Spread the word and follow, comment, vote, add, and share TF out of this sucker and we'll get there for sure. Thanks my beautiful Peeps. I'm sending out a virtual hug to everyone of you.  

Zach walked down the corridor with Lauren and the rest of his homeroom classmates by his side

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Zach walked down the corridor with Lauren and the rest of his homeroom classmates by his side. Grumpily, he tried with little success, to swipe griffin feathers off his now sodden clothes.

Lauren chided, "It serves you right for not listening to me."

"How was I supposed to know that was the care of Magical Creatures class and they were studying a brooding griffin?"

"It was lucky she was still imprinting on her young and decided to adopt you rather than eat you," Lauren said peevishly.

"Yeah but did Ms Murakami have to leave me in her clutches the entire class? I mean it groomed me," he complained.

"And it was humiliating." He sulked.

"Dude," Quinn barked out in consolation, "just think of it this way, you don't have to take a shower tonight."

"No you're right Quinn: I'm not taking 'A' shower tonight; I'm taking several."

"Her breath smelled like carrion," he whined.

He leaned into Kyle conspiratorially, as he lifted up his arm to his nose, and asked, "Answer me truthfully. Do I smell like a rotting corpse?"

The entire crew laughed while Zach tried to plaster down his now sticky hair.


The next class was a little more uneventful but no less exciting. Lauren and he audited the Magical History class taught by Ms Long who is none other than an ancient Chinese dragon. Kid you not.

Not an ancient dragon shifter, nope, but a fullblood, honest to God dragon that can take human form.

He'd walked into the class expecting to see MS Long in attendance and she was, but not in her human form.

His eyes had nearly bugged right out of his head and rolled across the warehouse sized room when he opened the door to find the most beautiful opalescent creature ever to walk the earth. Each of her thousands of scales had an iridescent quality that drew the eye and left its observer in awe.

Thankfully, Lauren had grabbed him before he walked straight up to her to pet her scales. When he reached the back of the class, he was mortified about nearly feeling up his teacher, but Lauren explained that the scales of a dragon, like the beauty of a succubus, are designed to lure you in.

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