Chapter 5

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Zach crouched as usual to clear the door jamb, but was surprised to find that it hadn't been necessary. Apparently whoever was expecting him knew about his extreme height. He did however shield his eyes from the bright light as he went through. 

Blinking his eyes rapidly to clear them, as he breached the frame, his vision came into focus to reveal a large amphitheater, of sorts.

He stood on the other side of the door and did a full 360 to take in the room around him. It looked like what he would imagine the Supreme Court would look like. In front of him a dais was erected and on the platform sat a long ornate table and behind the intricately dark mahogany structure - he had to do a quick count to confirm there were so many of them – sat twenty cloaked figures - Looking ominous and unapproachable.

His mouth went dry as he swallowed audibly. One of the figures in the center of the table boomed, "Come forth young Elioud."

Zach had to wonder firstly, were they talking to him and, secondly what was an Elioud? But he approached anyway.

The male in the center spoke, not unkindly, and said,"This will go more smoothly if you let us explain your circumstances; therefore, we will keep the magical gag intact until such time as we are finished. Is that understood? You need only nod to comply."

Zach nodded emphatically. No one was more eager than him to find out what the hell was going on.

"Let us begin. We", he waved his hand --palm up-- to encompass the entire group, "the assembly who sit before you are referred to as 'the council'. The council is made up of twenty of the most powerful and knowledgeable full blooded magical creatures on this plane of existence; there are others, but they are inconsequential at this time. So let us just concentrate on this plane shall we?" 

My fellow members and I govern over the magical world, and have done so since the early 20th century. The magic creatures we preside over referred to us as the M.A.G.I.C. council which simply means The Mythological Agency Governing Incredible Creatures."

"Haven High, your seemingly normal high school," he continued," is a holding facility for the half human-half magical beings of North America with other such schools located strategically across the globe." The imposing magical elder shrugged his shoulders dismissively before adding, "but you will learn more of that in your magic studies class." 

"The teachers in your schools are magical beings, either half or full blooded, tasked with the responsibility of rearing the half blood magical beings such as yourself that inhabit North America."

"All halfblood students, once their powers manifest, must take on a mentor to learn more about controlling and developing their magical abilities. It is usually one of the teachers of the school, oftentimes of the same ilk, but as there are no other Eliouds or Nephilim in North American other than our esteemed colleague." He gestured toward the end of the table as the hooded figure nodded reverently back.

"You will be appointed a mentor until such time as the council finds a suitable candidate. Is that understood? Nod if you understand."

Zach nodded in agreement. It seemed simple enough, but he had so many questions. He couldn't wait to speak. What were Eliouds or Nephilim, why were his types so rare, where were the other schools, who were they going to pick to be his mentor? As he pondered these questions, the council sat quietly–  seeming to wait for something, but then a thought struck the mute teen: wait can they read his mind too?

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