Chapter 24

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Megan sat with the gang in Lauren's living room. They all took up their usual positions. It was getting to be a habit actually. She had relayed her entire story. Everything her father had said, all about her and her mother and the curse that was put on them, the wards that remained on her, and all about the death worm, she even told them about the Sea Witches' offer. They'd been talking quietly for about an hour, but they needn't have worried that they'd wake Cam or his father would hear, because Lauren had cast her world class anti-eavesdropping spell before the meeting began.

When she finished relaying her story Quinn just shook his head and gave a low whistle, saying, "that's some next level shit right there."

Xander spoke up then and said, "before we begin I have to apologize I didn't share this rumor with you earlier. I'd heard it, but I never gave it much credence. I hear things like this all the time."

"It's not your fault; we don't expect you to come to us every time you get a whiff of a rumor. For Christ sake it's high school you'd be talking all day." Zach snorted from his spot on the couch next to Lauren.

"Yeah Xander babe, there's no reason to beat yourself up about it." Kelly affirmed as she coiled her arms around Xander's neck, squishing Donnie-cat in the process.

Donnie-cat yowled and she put him down. When she did he immediate morphed into his human form -- standing up tall in front of them. He shook himself and said, "Mio Dio, I think we pay this worm a visit. Tell it we no want it in our territory, si?"

Donnie began to make a feral growling sound in the back of his throat before he turned back into a cat and jumped back on Kelly's lap. He puffed up to three times his normal size, which made her giggled.

There were more than a few exchanged looks at the scene. Meg wondered if Kelly was starting to think of Donnie as a pet and chuckled silently to herself.

"I just gotta say: what the hell? Where is the council in all this? How's this creature getting away with doing this in San Fran?" CJ said contemptuously.

"Yeah maybe if it was in Kansas or something but he's right on the council's doorstep," Ryan agreed derisively.

"How many times we've gotta tell you guys the council doesn't give two shits about us?" Connor said angrily before storming out of the room to get himself a drink in the kitchen.

Brenna jumped up to follow him, and Megan was glad for it, she had the best chance of calming him down.

Lauren spoke up then and brought up something none of them had thought about. "What about the halfbloods who are already addicted. How can we help them?"

When Megan sighed audibly, everyone's eyes travelled up the stairs to where Cam slept.

"Well," Marley suggested while she played with Liv's long hair," I know our best alchemist is down and out, but I think he'd suggest we get a hold of the worm's venom somehow and try to synthesize it to make some sort of antidote or serum for the addicted."

"Yeah like methadone or something," Liv cooed, "My girl's got the brains and the looks, eat your heart out world, she's all mine." Marley beamed as Liv hugged her close to her.

Everyone chuckled.

"Okay," Ray said from beside Liv looking uncomfortable AF for some reason. Megan was beginning to wonder if he might have a thing for Liv. "How is that going to help the halfblood's get their essence back?"

"Wow, Travis interrupted, "that's a real brain twister. He looked at everyone with a perplexed look on his face.

"Yeah Brah," Kyle added, "I know I think better on a full stomach. Who's up for takeout?"

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