Chapter 6

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Kelly pulled into the school parking lot with Baby ten minutes before the first bell. She was dressed to kill in a chocolate brown mid length Valentino skirt, a wide waist black belt straight out of the Marant collection, a vintage red and white floral blouse with a Victorian collar, fishnet black stockings, and a pair of rusty red low cut embroidered boots. And even though brown was the color of the season, red would always be a staple in anyone's wardrobe, especially hers – it really accentuated her golden locks.

The fabrics she wore were of the slightest textures -- everything was free flowing and light, and even though very little skin was showing it played against her slight frame and left nothing to the imagination. The softest of fabrics moved freely around her perfect shape to give the illusion that if one of the boys was industrious enough he just might catch the elusive beauty.

And most of all, she hoped it screamed single and ready to mingle.

When she got out of the car she felt on top of the world. It was another beautiful summer day in San Fran. She was young and alive, and ready to start down a new path. She'd made her decision last night, as she lay awake waiting for sleep to come, to leave the geek squad to their own devices.

They could take care of themselves.

It was time for her to explore the other cliques of her magical high school. She just knew she would feel right at home in the demigod clique . . . and talk about some fine looking people.

As a fourth year she only had three years left to experience high school before she was forced in to conscription for the council and she planned to make the most of them. There was no way she was going to spend her remaining teen years already doing the council's job for them. That was just plain stupid.

She wouldn't have the good sense god gave a goose if she kept throwing her lot in with the self-destructive teens, not to mention, she could kiss her powers goodbye if they got caught.

Nah-ah she was done.

Kelly grabbed her school bag out of the back of her car and turned ready to show off what the good lord gave her, but when she spun around she crashed into the hard chest of Donovan Alfero. She reared back in shock and did a little wobble on her heels but with cat like reflexes his hands shot out to steady her. She let out a shocked oophm and immediately she was annoyed at how close he was. Had the boy never heard of boundaries and personal space?

She quickly stepped back as far as her parked car would allow and found herself eye to eye with the dark eyed boy, and when her heart skipped a beat, she immediately told herself it was from the shocking surprise of his presence.

He just stared at her like cats do, like he was peering into her soul -- neither had spoken -- and his nearness was awkward to say the least, but not unpleasant, she had to admit it wasn't horrible.

Finally he spoke in his rich cultured Italian accent, "Forgive me Mia Cara I did not mean to frighten you."

Donnie spoke a strange mix of Italian and English and half the time she didn't know what he was saying and she told herself that she didn't care, but all of a sudden she wanted to know what Mia Cara meant and didn't it just burn her britches that she couldn't consult Google any more.

The propensity for her kind to fry complex computers and delicate cell phones was annoying to say the least.

When he kept staring at her she realized that she hadn't spoken in a hot minute and became frustrated with herself. What was wrong with her? This was Donnie the guy who just last year had to carry a douche jar around like a swear jar, because he had no clue what to say around girls, and now he had her tongue tied.

She laughed it off and scoffed," You scare me as if?" She cocked an inquisitive eyebrow and said, "You're in my way. I'm going to be late for class."

"Oh I am sorry Cara. I just want to say thank you for saving me yesterday, and sorry about your outfit it is ruined, no?"

Again with the Cara thing she thought, but she replied, "Don't worry about it. It wasn't your fault."

"Si thank you, I think so too, but I want to give you something to say thanks, and my cousin's wife she is Italian woman so she have good taste in clothes like you. When I told her what you did and that your clothes were ruined, she asked me to give you this as a small token of her thanks."

He held a box up to her as she eyed it suspiciously.

"My cousin, she tells me vintage hats are in this season and she give me one from her collection, she say it is truly vintage."

When Kelly opened the box it was silk lined and nestled inside was a red wide brim floppy hat that looked like it had come straight out of the forties, and considering the longevity of fullbloods it could very well have been.

Kelly wanted to squeal over the attractive piece, but that wouldn't be dignified, so she muttered "Thanks," and went to place the box in her back seat.

But he reached out his hand again to lightly touch her arm and suggest, "Excuse me Cara, I think it will be very nice with what you wear today."

And she had to agree so she placed it on her head. As she closed the car door she caught her reflection in the rear window and had to admit the hat was simply sublime. It suited her outfit to a tee.

When she turned back to look at Donnie his mouth broke into a wide grin and he said, "Mio Dio, I wish I could take a picture . . . for my cousin. It would make her very happy."

And as she tried to hide her satisfied grin, she thought . . . ah dang it, could she really let this helpless kitten fend for himself.

With that the bell rang and Donnie gestured to the school before he said, "Come my beautiful protector I will be your guardian today, I fend off all your drooling admirers."

Kelly repressed a giggle and had to chide herself: what was she twelve or something?

Where did suave Donnie come from?

Come to think of it he must have gotten some pointers probably from his cousin's wife. Whatever it was, there was something she knew for sure, he certainly didn't need the creep jar anymore.

As he thrust his elbow to the side to offer her the crook of his arm, she thought it was at the same time sappy and stupid, but she surprised herself when she took it with a smile and they walked to the front door side by side.

As they fell into pace beside each other she thought: I guess I can put up with the nerd herd a little longer. Besides, according to Kyle every good team needs it tank. Whatever that meant? Apparently in some computer game scenario she was the tank.

Strange how in the modeling world it would be an insult to be referred to as tank like, but in the fighting world it was a boon.

Strange how in the modeling world it would be an insult to be referred to as tank like, but in the fighting world it was a boon

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Ahhhhh . . . wasn't it sweet of Donnie to give her the hat?

Look out I think he just might be melting the ice Queen's heart.

But does Donnie even stand a chance?

Tune in tomorrow to find out.

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