Chapter 28

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The rest of the week went by without trauma, drama, or incident. Kelly continued to keep her distance from both Xander and him, but he remained hopeful that she would come around.

The gang had all worked on their magical history papers together after school and when they passed it in they knew Ms. Long was going to be blown away with the thorough research job they'd done.

He started laying his head down more often at Lauren's and it felt good to have a steady place again, but he couldn't wait to stop moving and to get things back to normal. He wondered what it would be like to wear the scabbard. He knew with it he would be invincible, but he couldn't help but worry that any injury he sustained would still hurt.

Cait claws are serious weapons and they can cut you straight to the bone. They are more deadly than he daggers and he had ten of them.

He believed that now especially after seeing his own up close and personal. The unfortunate thing was, he hadn't been able to morph into his Cait form since the last time he'd done it. No matter how many times he had tried. Helsing assured him that it wasn't uncommon to have a sudden surge of ability and then not to be able to make it happen again at will, but he also said he'd never had a student not be able to conquer it by graduation.

By graduation, he had thought, fat lot of good that would do him.

He'd keep trying but he wasn't even close. He hoped Kelly was doing better than him with controlling her Goddess of death power. He knew if he asked Helsing he would tell him he couldn't say and it was against school privacy rules, but he worried that her power might consume her.

He had the ability to grow claws and a tail she had the intense ability to end your life with a thought.

It was Friday and most of the guys had come to them to show off their rushed passports. Kyle and Travis we're especially proud of theirs. Quinn announced that he had never flown before, and in fact he looked a little green around the gills about it, but Lauren assured him she would sit by him all the way. That worked like a charm. Her generous offer did much to alleviate his fears.

Kyle and Travis were itching to go on this adventure, and that was what it was beginning to feel like.

An adventure – one he would miss out on – he wished he could go to see the mystical Isle. He didn't want to be the only one who was safe at home while his friends stuck their necks out for him.

But in the end he had to agree they would be in more danger if he came, so he eventually came to terms with the idea.

He had come to school today with the intention of focusing. That hadn't worked out. Now it was lunch and he had a chance to get with the program over the lunch break and regroup.

Unfortunately he never got a chance, on his way to the cafeteria from Steinman's geography class, Mr. Tuma, their school principal, cornered him and asked if he could come to his office right away.

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