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Kyle sat at the largest table, Club Syzygy, the local Werewolf bar, had to offer. It was far enough from the dance floor to not have to worry about their crew being bumped by the often volatile were patrons, but close enough for him to have a good view of the dance floor.

And right now Trav was shaking his money maker with a very happy looking Lara. Every so often she would whisper something in his ear and he would turn the most interesting shade of red.

Kyle had to marvel at how great Trav looked. He was fully recovered from the poison. In fact, he had to admit he had never seen the dude happier, and why wouldn't he'd be? He'd found his mother -- A mother that had never abandoned him after all.

She had explained that her father, the leader of their tribe at the time, had put him out without her knowledge. Humans are persona non grata in the Troll kingdom and his mother would have been turned away too, but she was the chieftain's daughter, and in line to become the leader when her ancient father turned to stone --Apparently, that was the equivalent to death in the Troll realm.

Kyle chuckled to himself as he wondered if that made Trav royalty.

Unfortunately, he'd been found by humans before she could get him back. She had told him that she never stopped looking for him, but with no human contact allowed, she could not search further than the Rocky Mountain Range.

Which made him wonder how she'd met his father and what was the story behind their world wind romance. Perhaps someday Trav would be able to tell him.

Travis was invited back to the Troll realm. His mother happily informed him she was now the chieftain of the tribe, and he was welcome back any time he'd like. Thank heavens; his foster brother opted to stay in the human world. He didn't know what life would be like without him, and he was in no hurry to find out.

Luckily, his mother announced in her troll speak that he was welcome back any time, even for short visits, which suited Trav just fine. He promised to come back and visit after he finished high school and stay for a bit, which made his mother very happy.

Just before they ported out she enveloped Kyle in a bone crushing hug and thanked him for saving her son.

"You brother, me mother." She said as she pointed at herself, which he took to mean he'd been adopted into the tribe too. Go figure. It was cool to think he was now an honorary mountain troll.

A few days after their return they were informed by Knight that he'd found an antidote to the poison and began administering it to all the magical beings that had been affected at Club NYX. Thanks to his mentor, Cleopatra of Alexandria, none of the magical beings had to worry about losing control and coming to the attention of the council or worse.

Kyle was shocked to hear that Knight had a mentor too. But Lauren explained that it made perfect sense, since Cleopatra was one of only four women to discover the secrets of the philosopher stone, and considering Knight's age long quest to reverse the angel's curse, he probably hung on her every word and worshipped the ground she walked on, and it was no wonder, her alchemic talent was immeasurable.

So his gang had managed to stick it to Liam and his hateful crew once again, and if there was any God they would continue to do so, but not tonight. Tonight they meant to party!

That was what brought them here tonight. They were determined to celebrate their victory and equally as determined not to have their night interrupted.

So NYX was out. No one would think to look for them in a Werewolf bar.

Just then Travis threw himself down in the chair next to him, a big stupid grin plastered on his face. Lara slid around the arm of the chair to perch herself on his lap, which made Trav look even happier, if that was possible.

She said something to him that Kyle couldn't hear over the blaring music that made him throw his head back and laugh, and then she kissed him full on the mouth.

Kyle turned his head with a smirk. He wasn't going to stare at them like a class A creeper, no matter how much he loved seeing his brother happy, but when the water nymph popped up to go get a drink; he wasted no time in teasing him.

"Looks like Lara's really into you. What's wrong with her?"

Trav just chuckled and said, "Nah Bro she took one look at you and thought why have the marshmallow when she could have the chocolate.

"A Smores analogy? Not cool Brah, not cool."

When Kyle punched him in the arm and it actually hurt, he thought yes all is right in the world.

"What's sup, dude? Why you being all Debbie downer? Lara's friend has been checking you out all night."

Kyle looked to the dance floor were the alluring nereid danced suggestively in a crowd of Fifth years. He guessed his squad wasn't the only ones who were going to be giving Club NYX a wide berth for a while. She looked up seeming to feel his stare and gave him a seductive grin.

"Look," Travis continued, "The crisis is over for now. Live a little. I don't know about you, but I'm hoping that's our last one."

Kyle stood up to head to the dance floor, but not before calling over his shoulder, "You and me both brah, you and me both."

Author's Note:

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Author's Note:

I just have to say thank you for all the cool suggests that you guys gave me for the name of the Werewolf bar. They were all very interesting, but in the end I stumble on the word: Syzygy.

The definition of Syzygy:

A syzygy occurs with the nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies (such as the sun, moon, and earth during a solar or lunar eclipse) in a gravitational system, or just when the sun moon and earth line up to form a full and new moon.

Lovers of wordplay may also know that the word syzygy is the shortest word in the English language containing three ys, which makes it a really great scrabble word.

I hope you liked Despaired. Join me tomorrow for the release of Protected the fourth book in the Haven High Series.

And if you like what you've read so far please pass it along. I believe Haven High deserves more readers and I hope you feel the same way. 

And don't forget:

And don't forget:

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