Chapter 6

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For the remainder of the week it was more of the same. Their classes were replaced with one aptitude test after another. The psychological tests were a killer. They left him wondering how to answer the questions wrong. How was he to know in answering them the way he did; he wasn't looking like the perfect candidate for whatever was happening? Finally, Friday rolled around and the kids had had enough.

Many of them went to their mentors to ask what was going on, but that was a useless endeavor. The teachers must have been sworn to secrecy, perhaps even with a non-disclosure spell. That's a spell that you have to agree to though. 

Would their mentors agree to do something that wasn't in the best interest of their protégés?

A NDA spell is interesting. It's a modern invention probably created by some half demon lawyer twit that thought he was a hot shot. It worked like this: If you take an oath to never disclose the truth to another. You cannot speak the words, write down the words, or telepathically relay the information. You can't even get around it by playing Pictionary or charades. It becomes the perfect secret.

If you try to break the pact: your words come out garbled, your email will look like someone in the grips of a stroke wrote it. It's the perfect solution to the whistle blower problem in the non-magical world. Industry giants were still looking for the non-magical equivalent in the non-magical world.

And he hoped they never found it.

You can't even pass on information pertaining to it: like handing a person books on the topics to lead them in the right direction. Let's put it this way if Edward Snowden had been bound to this agreement he'd be sipping Latte's in front of his computer screen at the NSA today, while ever word we uttered would be open to interpretation by the government.

No the NDA spell was iron clad, and unbreakable. And by the simple fact that it was in play here it left the kids with no doubt that whatever the council was up to would result in nothing good for them.

Cam worked in his lab all Friday night. Megan kept him company; he could tell she didn't want to be alone. When 11 pm rolled around he went for his customary swim while Meg looked on from the windy beach. It was a warm night for January and he and Meg strolled the beach together afterward, holding hands and walking silently.

When he took her in his arms she felt like home. Her body molded perfectly with his. It was like they were made for each other. She sighed in his ear and whispered.

"Let's go back to your room."

His body shivered with anticipation at her words. He bent his mouth to her neck and nibbled behind her ear as she arched herself toward him to press herself even closer to him.

He took her lips then, not in a soft kiss . . . No he wanted to brand her with his mouth. To reaffirm in that moment that she was his and he was hers. Lifting her up in his arms he kissed and nibbled her neck while he walked them towards his room.

Another great thing about his room was the sliding French doors leading to the backyard. He had left them unlocked before the swim which gave them easy access to his private basement domain.

Once he deposited her crutches against the wall he carried her to his bed and lay her down gently. He flopped down beside her heavily, making her light body bounce and when she laughed he took her lips and captured them in his mouth.

He wanted to savor this moment with her. Whatever may come of this last week? They would always have each other.

She whispered then, "Make me forget about everything, but us Cam."

The Haven High Book Series (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now