Chapter 20

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Megan woke to a dreary morning. The temperature had dropped suddenly from her early morning walk and it now rested uncomfortably in the low to mid 40's. Freezing rain was pelting her windshield as she drove into Cam's driveway, but instead of Cam exiting his front door his mother greeted her.

She rolled down her window and asked in confusion," Cam not up yet Mrs. Murdoch?"

"Megan," Cam's mother smiled, "we've talked about this before, please call me Caroline."

"Sorry Caroline, let me guess Cam's dragging his feet again." Megan hoped.

"No I'm sorry dear he's under the weather he'll be staying home today."

Megan couldn't hide her concern. What the hell could be wrong with him? She went to get out of the car to see for herself, but Cam's mother stopped her with a gesture of her up turned hand.

"Megan dear he's sleeping soundly right now and you're going to be late. Why don't you check up on him after school? He should be up by then and feeling a bit better."

"What's wrong with him," she asked tentatively?

"Oh it's just a flu dear." His mom assured her.

She chuckled then and patted her shoulder through the open window. She probably thought that she was being a silly teenager in love, of course she did; how could she know Halfbloods don't get sick with the flu?

Megan didn't want to leave without figuring out what was wrong, but what choice did she have? So she thanked Cameron's mom and backed slowly down the driveway.

On the way to school she played the radio way too loud trying to drown out her thoughts. None of her crew had missed a day of school due to illness since their enlightenment. What was she going to say to the guys?

She needn't have worried about them being concerned, because Trav and Kyle quickly negated her worries, as they tried to convince her he was just playing hooky.

"Yeah," Kyle laughed, "He's probably hold up in his lab right this minute coming up with the perfect solution to our weapons problem."

Megan wished and not for the first time that cellphones would work for them she would so love to text him right now to confirm what they thought was true, but she'd just have to wait until after school.

Sometimes being magical really sucked.


After training she skipped swim and drove right over to Cam's, but when she knocked on the door nobody came to answer it. She went around to the back but Cam's curtains were drawn and he didn't answer the door when she knocked for what seemed like forever. She cupped her ear with her palm and listened for any sounds on the other side, but there were none. She couldn't tell if Cam was there and sleeping soundly, or not at home at all.

The rain was falling in earnest now and she was soaked to the bone by the time she got back in her little beetle. She cranked the heat feeling a chill for more reasons than the cold. What was happening? Where was Cam and why was he sick?

She pulled out of the driveway and headed for her lonely condo. Hoping against hope that her step-monster wasn't there she could not imagine having to face her right now when she felt so vulnerable. She barely noticed when the doorman greeted her and riding up in the elevator a senior tenant kept looking at her from the corner of her eye until she finally asked her if everything was alright. She had just mumbled a reply. She let herself into the condo and much to her relieve found it empty, but for Simmons, who was working furiously in the kitchen preparing a meal that smelled heavenly, but Megan had no appetite.

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