Chapter 43

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Thank you @temiyemitemienor for being such an avid reader.

Author's Note:


Today marks the third month anniversary of the publication of this book and I could not have done any of it without the special people I've met on wattpad along the way

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Today marks the third month anniversary of the publication of this book and I could not have done any of it without the special people I've met on wattpad along the way. Please know you have become family to me. There are some special dedications at the end of the chapter just for you. I just want you to know I appreciate every vote, comment, add, and share you've given this humble book and there is nothing in the world I wouldn't do for you. Hugs


Lauren stepped through her travel portal into Zach's room at exactly midnight as promised. She was dressed in a pair of high-tops, heavy jeans, a long sleeve top, and thick knit hoodie. It was supposed to drop down to the low fifties tonight with a sixty-five percent chance of rain. So she toted an umbrella too.

She broke through the abyss to see that Zach was dressed in much the same way, but he was wearing a more sensible pair of hiking boots with his black jeans, long sleeve AE shirt, paired with an A&F hoodie. How good he looked sitting in his computer chair at his desk was almost distracting enough for her to miss the state of his room.

It was IMMACULATE not a thing out of place and as neat as a pin. Every item was ordered with surgical precision.

This was not Zach's room!

Maybe in an alternate universe, but this wasn't the room of her sloppy friend.

Lauren's heart began to pound in her chest. She rushed to him. She couldn't help it. In letting down her guard she had somehow trigger the same effect in him and she was rewarded by the flash of severe pain in his eyes, which he quickly hid behind a stony façade.

"Zach," she begged, "You've got to go see Helsing he can help you. I think you might be suffering from PTSD from the bombing. You need to stop pretending everything's all right and get some help."

"Which do you want to be the pot or the kettle?" he asked scathingly.

"Your little act today may have fooled the others, Lauren, but I know you, and I know you're not all right, not one bit." He laughed coldly.

Lauren jerked back feeling like she'd been struck.

"Is this how it's going to be between us now?" Lauren tried, but failed miserably to keep the hurt from her voice.

He seemed to soften somewhat at her tone, and stood up, helping her to her feet as he did. Their eyes locked for a moment as he brought his hand up to cup her face. She was transfixed by his gorgeous blue eyes. Whoever said: that the eyes are the windows to the soul, hadn't got it half right. His mirrored his usual tender self until he seem to catch himself then they turned cold again as he swiftly turned away from her to grab his backpack.

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