Chapter 46

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It was quarter to eleven when Lauren portalled Quinn to the club in the Waterfront district and told him to wait there.

He had said, "Wait where? All I can see is an old warehouse that looks like it's spent its better day as a crack house?"

"Be right back," she promised.

"Wait," he said comically, "don't leave me alone in this neighborhood, " but it was too late she was already gone.

She had portalled Kelly earlier; Zach was the last to be picked up. She couldn't explain exactly why she wanted to get him last . . . or could she?

When she dropped her spell card on the ground and the glyph appeared, she was so nervous she could feel butterflies in her stomach, and she had almost dropped it again when she picked it up to put it back in her little black clutch. What if he thought she looked ridiculous?

She chided herself when she thought what would Lagertha do? Hope Ragnar noticed her, or be the bad ass she is and know he will? She knew she looked great. She felt a foot taller for more reasons than the four inch heels and equally as tall poof. So taking a deep breath she climbed through the port door and across the byss to the other side.

When she breached the abyss she made a mental note to take her time stepping through; she was creating a moment here after all.

First her four inch shiny patent leather stiletto clad foot came through, then her skin tight black leather pant leg, and finally as she arched her back and used the balance that she had acquired through her last three years training in Wushu, her killer 'do was next to breach the opening and she was rewarded by Zach's sharp intake of breath when she stood up in her full glory.


He had actually started walking towards her in a trance like state. When she beamed at him and did a full turn giving him a generous look at her ass in the amazing pants, he actually groaned.

This is the moment she thought: this is the moment I'm going to replay in my head. Whenever he makes me feel small, every time he's a jerk to me. I'm gonna replay it to remind myself that he's the one missing out.

"Are you ready," she asked coolly? Taking a page out of Megan's book.

He cleared his throat and gulped before he stammered, "Y-yea-h ready whenever you are."

She just turned and smiled a crocodile smile. Oh yeah. Thank you Kelly. Let him try to resist her now.

When she took his hand it was trembling slightly.

She decided to add some icing on the cake. She looked up at him before walking through the portal gate, and locking him in her hazel-eyed stare, she licked her heavily glossed generous lips.

In that moment, she couldn't be sure, but she may have seen his knees buckle slightly. Oh yeah she was going to have fun teasing him tonight.

"Wait!" He said suddenly remembering something. "We can't go yet; you have to mirage my room so the Dads don't find out."

Oh what the hell she thought paybacks a bitch. She wasn't done playing with him yet.

"Sorry Zach, "she feigned disappointment, "the mirage won't work your room's too neat."

He looked at her like he doubted her for a second and then went to work throwing stuff all over the place and tossing the covers off his bed and then throwing them back on in a heap.

He finally stopped a little breathless with the effort, and asked, "Does that work?"

Oh yeah, she snickered inwardly, that works just fine.

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