Chapter 9

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Lauren came for him after last class. Zach was stuffing his books into his already overfull locker when she asked:

"You ready?"

That made him wonder: was he ready?

What did it matter anyway? There was no going back now. According to the council he was a full fledge mutant and it was time to join the Xmen.

Zach locked his baby blues on Lauren's honey brown eyes and chuckled before saying, "Take me to Xavier."

Lauren just snorted at his lame ass joke and led the way.

When they entered the gym Zach was surprised that it looked just like the regular gym.

He couldn't detect any magic being used. It looked just like it always did save for the mats spread everywhere.

They were divided into six sections. On the mats sat the magical students of the school in deep meditation and in front of the entire assembly sat his science teacher Mr. Rothe on a dinky little circular crocheted rug, looking slightly ridiculous.

To the right side of the assembled were the bleachers. Zach made a beeline for them. He was . . . sooo . . . not ready for this. Yup he'd sit this one out. Get the lay of the land as they say.

Coward! He chided himself.

When he heard the squeak of a sneaker clad foot behind him, he turned in surprise to see Lauren following him to the bleachers.

"Aren't you participating today?"

"No," she said, "The guys wanted me to clue you in on a few things to avoid what happened earlier."

He knew it; he had put his foot in it—majorly -- judging by the look on Lauren's face.

Zach threw up his hands apologetically, but before he could say anything, Lauren stopped him.

"There's no need to apologize. We know you had no idea. Look we can't talk during meditation so let's just take a seat and I'll explain when training begins."

The first thing that Zach noticed during the mediation session was how few students were actually there.

For some reason he'd thought there would be more of them. He'd have to ask Lauren if there was another training class, but if this was the only one; then there would appear to be a little over one hundred students from his high school present. That meant that they were in the minority -- making up less than one fifth of the entire student body. Which meant if his math skills could be counted on, which they can't he's seriously shitty at math, then only one in five magical creatures come into their power.

He was literally shocked. He'd thought there'd be more of them. He hadn't realized how rare being Enlightened really was.

Another thing he noticed was that each section of meditating students had a teacher meditating with them on the mats.

There were five other teachers in attendance Mr Knight, his homeroom and Chemistry teacher, Ms Erika Steinman, his geography teacher, Ms Long, the history teach, Ms Murakami, his biology teacher, and Mr Conte, his Spanish teacher.

This made him wonder: were they training too or were they the trainers?

It was at this time that a melodic chime struck from out of nowhere and he felt the now familiar tingle of magic in the air.

The students came to their feet all at once with a collective sigh and the rustling of clothes seemed deafening after the calming silence.

That's when he noticed it. He had to snicker but then he groaned when he noticed everyone's attire. They were all dressed in form fitting black one piece outfits that looked like they were made out of a thick lycra or maybe even Kevlar.

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