Chapter 25

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Zach entered the tent dumbstruck by all that lay before him.

Red perpetually free floating paper lanterns cut into fantastical designs cast a muted red/orange glow over a dais and the dance floor, while opposite that stood a stage that was set up with a band that he could only guess was made up of a number of various demon races judging by their appearance.

His eyes did not know where to go first; until he noticed that in between the two sat the most alluring refreshment table he'd ever seen. The food was like nothing he had ever witnessed in his entire fifteen years alive. The colors of the tasty morsels were out of this world. He didn't even think some of them where on the spectrum on this plane.

It reminded him very much of the scene in the movie Hook. The scene when the lost boys encouraged Peter to use his imagination so that he can see the miraculous feast before him. 

And the aromas that drifted over to him were mouth watering. He decided to do some drifting of his own, right over to the glorious table, when he looked to his side, he was not shocked to see Quinn had had the same idea. He was not shocked, because he knew if anyone truly knows a teenage boy, they know they run on their stomach.

He was about to high five him for apparently being part of the ruled by your digestive track club, all animosity from earlier forgotten, when Lauren grabbed them both by the ears.

Zach yowled in shocked outrage and gave her the most injured look he could muster while still keeping one eye on the table.

"No food until I taste it," she hissed as she wagged her finger at them. "Haven't you guys ever read a single fairy tale?"

"You never accept the hospitality of a fairy, you never consume food given to you by a fairy, and you never say please, thank you, or sorry to a fairy," she counted out each point with a finger as she made them.

"Got it!?"

"Besides," she continued, "it would be considered a serious breach in Fae etiquette to not acknowledge the Royalty in the room first.

When she turned to march over to the dais and they didn't immediately follow, she turned back around again, and grabbing them both by their upper arm, she dragged them towards the dais, while barking out, "Now Boys!"

"Yes Professor Bossy Pants." Quinn quipped while fist bumping Zach in front of their diminutive friend.

"Quit it," she hissed from the corner of her mouth. "I can't believe I forgot to brief you guys on proper etiquette before we came."

"Your bad." Zach said which earned him a reproachful look and another fist bump from Quinn.

"So listen up. When we get to the dais you say nothing to the Fae; you only nod and bow DEEPLY. You do know how to bow right?"

"Yes," they both chimed in obediently.

But once they got to the dais, he realized she needn't have worried that he'd say something stupid, because he was struck mute by what he saw.

On the platform sat two of the most extraordinary creatures lounging in elaborate comfort. They were as dark and dangerous and as beautiful as a black hole.

Zach felt their dark and lovely features fix languorously on him and he shuddered. He was told that he would be witnessing Fae royalty and he was, but they were nothing like he had imagined.

He'd pictured pointed ears, and bleach blonde long haired beauties. Their tresses braided in strange ways, and gossamer wings. He had pictured ethereal beauty which was in stark contrast to what he saw before him.

The Haven High Book Series (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now