Chapter 17

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The Anjana

This chapter is dedicated to one of my biggest supporters @HowlingLGBTWolf

Thank you for always being there for me and the gang of Haven High.

Travis had to block out Kyle's pleas for him to move, or it wouldn't work. He closed his eyes and just thought of his family and everything he loved about them. When the deathworm ram swung back his whole stone body framed the door leaving only an inch between him and the magical barrier behind him.

When the ram struck his midriff it was like nothing he'd ever felt before. He felt like he'd been hit with a wrecking ball. He cringed and tried unsuccessfully to suck in a breath. The wind was totally knocked out of him.

He physically felt so bad he'd thought he'd failed but when the ram swung back and he was still standing he took only a second to celebrate that he'd repelled the thing, but when it swung back again it was like it had redoubled it efforts and it struck him even harder than the last time.

He wanted to keel over but he couldn't. He lifted up his tank to examine the area that felt like burning agony to see that the stone of his stomach was scorched and cracking. How could it be, in his true stone construct he was impenetrable. Not even a jack hammer would cause a dent, unless he wanted it to. But the ram was causing him to crack. He didn't know how long he had before it turned him to rubble.

And the battle raged on, and each time he was struck he did his best to hold back his cries of agony. He knew if his friends had any idea how much danger he was putting himself in, then they would rush to his rescue and in the end, perhaps they'd all die.

The ram struck again and he almost lost consciousness the pain was so great. He could feel the cracks across his abdomen spreading like the cracks on the barrier. He looked over his shoulder so see if the cracks in the barrier were still there. Hoping that in the time he'd had stood there and taken the blows of the ram they had magically repaired themselves but he was more than disappointed to see that they hadn't.

He couldn't move no matter how much he wanted to. He was the only hope for the barrier.

It struck again and this time he couldn't hold back the scream; it exploded from his lips, and Kyle was by his side in a flash.

"Get out of there," Kyle screamed in his face.

He tried to pull him free but Travis had wedged his arms into the frames and nothing and nobody would be able to make him move now, not if he didn't want them to.

Travis was trying to concentrate and his brother wasn't helping so he screamed at him, "GOOOOOOO!!!!" as the ram struck again.

This time the cracks spread across his chest. When Kyle saw one spread up his neck to his jaw he lost it and started trying to pull Travis free saying, "NO! You idiot! It's not worth it. Nothing's worth losing you. Don't you dare leave me!"

Travis looked at him briefly before closing his eyes and prayed that his friends would find away to end the fight soon, because he couldn't hold out much longer. A few more blows and he'd be finished for sure.

With his eyes closed he thought. Which as he mentioned before wasn't his strong suit, but he thought non-the-less. What could they do to help him? No one was strong enough to stop the ram. Were they? He wished he was. Then it came to him.

Hadn't Lauren mentioned why tonight was a good night to do this? That it was a night when those magical fae ladies came through and danced in the fields. What else had she said about them?

He tried to remember as he dealt with the next blow that left his face numb. At least he hoped it was only numb he feared it was much worse.

Then it came to him. They grant a wish to people as long as they're pure or something. He could ask for their help if he could remember their name.

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