Eye Contact 💘

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I opened my locker and got my Calculus book. Just then, someone tapped my shoulder. I looked on my left saw my best friend, Jihoonie. I grinned widely.

"Hey (Y/N)!" He greeted happily. His face was shining bright.

"Hey Jihoon! What's up?" I asked then put my book inside my bag.

"I have troubles in Chemistry and we have a quiz later. Can you help me at lunch?" He asked then I closed my locker.

"Yeah! Sure."

"Okay! Thank you (y/n)! See you later." He said then walked away.

Jihoon has been my crush since junior high until now that we are seniors. He is the most handsome and cutest guy at the same time in school while I, on the other hand, is just an ordinary student. I was really hoping  for him to like me but I stopped hoping because he have so many girls around him that wants his attention. I can't compete with them. I am too afraid that our friendship would end and that is the only thing that keeps me close to him. I can't risk it.

I pushed my eyeglasses up then sighed. I walked to my next class and drowned myself in information.


Lunch came and I was waiting for Jihoon to arrive. I brought the lunch mom made for me. After a while, he came with a tray.

"Let's go," he said then tugged my hand and pulled me up from my seat.

"Where?" I grabbed my lunch and kept up with his speed.

He didn't reply and I just followed till we arrived at the back of the school. It is our usual hangout because it is away from everyone especially his fangirls.

He stopped in front of the table and let go of my hand which saddened me. I didn't talk and just took a seat. He sat beside me and placed his tray. I placed my lunch on the table then get my chemistry book from my bag and I started teaching him while eating.

He was answering some questions so I drank my water from the cup for the mean time.

"Done," he said.

I placed the cup on the table and looked at his paper. I checked it and he was perfect. He will get a perfect score for sure.

"You did great!" I said while grinning. I looked at him but he was looking at me already. I felt conscious suddenly.

His face was getting closer and closer. I didn't close my eyes because I don't want to assume and be embarrassed in front of him. I just stayed and waited.

He lifted his hands then gripped my eyeglasses. He slowly slid it off and held it in his hand without breaking the eye contact.

He knows it was just fashion glasses and I don't really need it. But I needed it because I can't really look at him in the eye because I have a crush on him and it just helps me. Of course, he doesn't know the main reason.

I was so nervous and my palms started to sweat. His gaze was intense but then he slowly grinned. My heart was beating so fast and I was fighting myself not to smile because he looked so cute.

How did he look so handsome and cute at the same time!?

"You are more beautiful without your eyeglasses."

My cheeks turned red and I think I looked like a tomato. Butterflies in my stomach were going insane but I think I was insane when I heard the next words he said.

"And I like you, (y/n)."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped slightly.

Did I hear it right? Or my ears need check-up?

He put my eyeglasses on the table and held my hands in his.

"Will you be my girlfriend and be mine forever?" He asked sincerely.

Before, it was just a dream but it became a reality. I lost hope that I will someday hear it from him but I can't believe he really said it.

"Are you sure? This is not a prank?" I asked because I feel anxious that I was just daydreaming the whole time.

He shook his head and held my hands tighter.

"I am sure. This is not a prank." He chuckled and added, "I like you since the day we met."

Okay. I was not daydreaming.

"Okay. I like you too, Jihoon."

"So, you're my girlfriend now?" He asked carefully with a ghost smile.

I smiled and nodded. He hugged me tight but I hugged him tighter.

"Thank you, (y/n)."


I was inspired by Jihoon's Eye Contact in Produce 101 XD He literally took my hearteu TT

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