Secret Love 💘

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Pushing the door open, I enter the room of my history subject. As usual, most of the seats aren't occupied. Few seats are taken in different parts of the room. I really can't blame anyone. If only this isn't an elective subject, I won't be coming here either and listen to a boring lecture.

I place my bag and sit on my usual seat which is near the stage. I open my book and start reading the previous lesson while waiting for the professor to arrive.

After a moment, I hear a voice from my left.

"Is this seat taken?"

I look up and I tense.

Why is he here? I thought he wasn't taking this subject.

He tilts his head on the side as his eyebrows rise, waiting for my answer.

I gulp and answer 'no'.

He sits beside me and opens his book.

Did my red sweater captured his attention?

People around me increase in number and start photographing him with their cellphones. He is so famous in our school because of his looks and intelligence. Girls practically squeal when they see him but I'm not included although I have a crush on him too. I just keep my feels concealed.

I cover my face with my hand. The others also include me in their pictures. They could just capture him you know. Only him.

My eyes drift to what he is reading. Just then, he turns to look at me. My eyes widen and I quickly hide my face with my hair.

That was embarrassing.

Fortunately, the professor comes in just in time to save me.

The crowd disperses and in a second, every seat in the room is taken and the seats are 80 in total. News really spreads so fast.

The professor starts the lecture. I keep myself composed beside him and just listen.

As the lecture ends, the students start photographing him again while I, on the other hand, quickly gathers my things and ready to leave. But he was on my path.

He suddenly glances at me but I keep my head low.

"You want to go out?" He asks.

I couldn't seem to find my voice so a nod is my reply.

He closes his book and stands up from his seat and stands beside the chair. I murmur a small 'thank you' and quickly leave the room.

Upon arriving at our dorm, I place my bag on the table, grab the chocolate from the fridge and eat it happily by the table.

"Yah!! Ji An!!! Why didn't you tell me that Jihoon sunbae was in your class?!!" Hana asks while shaking my body.

"I told you to take the subject but you didn't."

She sits in front of me and prop her elbows on the table with her hands supporting her head and her face has a sour expression.

"Hmp! It is too boring!! I wouldn't get anything from it! Remember last year? He almost dropped me! I can't bear to see his face again," she reasons out. "I would've seen sunbae's handsome face though!!!"

I just chuckle and keep on munching my chocolate as she stands up and stomp her way to her study table.

After I finish my food, I change my clothes to a long white sweater and black leggings. I remove some things from my bag and just remain my notebooks and pens.

I call out to Hana. "I will go to the library now."

"Okay," she says without turning to me.

I grab my bag and head out to the library. Upon arriving, I check the book shelves and search for the books needed. After finding them, I quickly look for a table and start studying.


3rd Person's POV

"Jihoon! Why are you here?" One of Jihoon's roommates asks upon opening the door.

He enters the room and places his bag on his study table before answering, "I'm still your roommate."

Daehwi just shrugs and closes the door.

"I'm going to the library. Who wants to come?" Jihoon asks his 3 roommates.

"Can't. I need to finish this robot," Daewhi replies while cutting some wires.

Woojin and Guanlin are sitting across each other by the table, playing on their laptops.

"Not me. There's probably no girls there," Woojin says while playing.

"Yeah," Guanlin agrees while nodding.

Jihoon sighs and leaves the room.

After a while of walking, he arrives at the college library. He goes straight to the bookshelves - caressing the book spines while searching. After a moment, he halts and grabs a book. He flips some pages, skimming the content. Thinking that there wasn't enough information, he puts it back to its place but before he does, something catches his eye.

Through the hole, there is a girl in a red sweater and black pants reading by the table with earbuds on and busy taking notes on her notebook.

He smiles at the sight.

Nothing catches his eyes more than her. Even through a vast crowd of people, he's still able to find her. Her beautiful face is one thing but her intelligence and joyful personality got him.

He watches her in adoration.

Being famous surely gains attention from people but there's only one who he wants to get attention from and it is her. That's why he sat beside her in the history lecture earlier today - thinking that maybe she will look at him but he just got depressed. He may look calm on the outside but he was really jiggly and nervous on the inside.

He was intrigued on how he doesn't hear any word or compliment from her about him, like just from eavesdropping or gossips since she is also famous. He couldn't find any way to talk to her so doing this kind of thing is enough for him.

He surely wants her for himself but there are a lot of guys who likes her too. He is cold and strong on the surface but he has a clever and soft personality hidden somewhere inside him - something most girls want on a guy. He thinks he has a chance but the only problem is that he is graduating a year from now. There's no more time left. He needs to act fast.


Merry Christmas!!!! 🎄🎄🎄

[Update | June 02, 2018]

P.S. I get a lot of comments about this Imagine being similar with the Chinese drama Love O2O. Yes. It is actually based on that because that was one of my favorite scenes in the drama and I just had to write it down for me to calm down with my feels and move forward. So yep. I don't know if you'll be happy about it or not but meh. XD

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