Diary 💘 | Part 2

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Jihoon's POV

I never thought the day will come where I will fall in love. I just often have crushes and that was it but then, I met her.

She is a silent type but she slowly opened up to me. She got comfortable and we became really good friends. I knew from the start that she is a good person underneathe that mask she often wears. She was an open book. I could tell how she feels and what bothers her but now, I don't know.

She's in US for two months now and I've been missing her since she left. School already started and I am worried about her. I want to see her now.

"Jihoon-ah! You have mail!" Mom calls.

"Yeah!" I shout back and get up from my seat and go downstairs.

I go to the kitchen and mom hands me the mail.

"The address is from US. Maybe it is from (y/n)," mom says as I read the words written on the small package.

I nod and run back upstairs into my room. I quickly rip it open. There is an envelope and a notebook inside. I pick and unfold the paper.

| Dear Jihoon-ah,

First of all, hello. I'm sorry for not contacting much, I am too weak to move. My nurse is actually the one writing these down. I asked her a favor.

I also want to say sorry for not telling you sooner. I have brain cancer Jihoon. It's been 2 years now that's why i'm in US for my treatment. I've been in the hospital since the day I arrived here and my cancer just worsens everyday to the point I became bald.

I'm really sorry. I hid it to you because I don't want you to worry about me. The last thing I ever want to see is your heart in pieces. My heart is already broken solely from the fact that i'm dying.

I am weak. Sometimes I think I'm ready to sleep for so long but then, your smiling face pops into my mind and I hope again. To be honest, I already gave up but you came and let me forget I am sick. Every time that I am with you, I am happy and I feel loved. You are the reason why I am willing to fight this sickness Jihoon. You are my hope.

I love you Jihoon. You are so kind to me, I don't know what I did to have someone like you in my life. Thank you for everything that you've done for me in this short time we were together. I miss you.

I will never forget you. You will be in my heart forever. I hope you forgive me for all of these. I didn't mean to hurt you but it is bound to happen. You will be the one I will be thinking of once I go through the surgery later.

I hate to say this but this is a farewell letter to you. If the surgery is not successful, it means I didn't survive. I'm sorry. I will give you my diary. Everything that I ever want to say to you in those times I was afraid are in it. I give you the honor to keep it safe. Hahaha.

I wish you to be happy even if I am not there beside you anymore. I hope you find someone worth your love and you will love for the rest of your life. I only want the best for you. Please take care of yourself always. Have a great future. You said you want to be an idol right? I believe in you. You got everything girls want. I am sure you will be so famous and one day, you will be performing on a big stage with everyone cheering on you.

Please don't worry about me. I will be okay.

Anyways, I won't say goodbye because I know I will see you again. It may not be in this life but in the unending life.

So, I will just say, "I love you. See you again Jihoon" - I hope.

Yours truly,
(Y/N) |

I didn't realize I am crying so much. Why did she leave me? She is the one I will be loving for the rest of my life. She should've told me. I was stupid to not see she was sufferring all long and she sufferred alone.

My heart hurts so much. The pain is too much. I need her in my life.

I open her diary and start reading. Why was I so oblivious? She was in pain. My pain is nothing than the pain she suffered ll these years.

I keep on crying and my breathing hitches. I have my own bad days and she was my happiness. She keeps me grounded and controlled. I can't thank her enough so I loved her so much. It was the only thing I could repay her.

I am happy she became part of my life even just for awhile. I am contented. I can keep living knowing she believes in me. I will achieve my dreams for her and brag it to her once we see each other again.

I carress her picture placed on my desk in front of me.

"I miss you too and I love you too. I will never forget you."


Sorry. I was busy for the past week and I am still busy so, let's just see if I could update soon. If not, see you next week! ❤

Btw, please vote and comment. Don't be a silent reader. I could also take some requests if you want. 😉 Just message me.

Park Jihoon Imagines ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora