Diary 💘 | Part 1

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Sept. 3, 20XX

Dear diary,

Someone transferred to our school today. His name is Park Jihoon. He is really tall and cute, but his deep voice contrasts it, I guess that's why many girls like him already.

His seat is beside me. He greeted and I greeted him back. He kept on talking and I know he was trying to have a conversation with me but nodding was just my reply. You know i'm really untalkative so I feel bad about him. He has to sit beside me for the rest of the school year. But I am happy I finally have a seatmate.

Your owner,


Sept. 6, 20XX

Dear diary, we had a science experiment and I was paired up with my seatmate. He is my partner to every subject and it is really making me anxious. I've never really mingled to boys before but Jihoon is making me comfortable. He even asked me if I could be friends with him. I reasoned that he already have many friends but he said there were all boys. I said yes because he was really persistent and he showed me his cute side which - I discovered - is so unresistable. I suppose he is my first friend in this shool.

Your owner,


Oct. 8, 20XX

Dear diary,

I was not bullied today but I was pushed to the deep part of the pool in our swimming class. Thank goodness I know how to swim. Jihoon was there but he didn't see it because his back was turned from us.

The girls were laughing but they stopped when Jihoon saw me. He helped me up from the pool and the girls were giving me piercing glares.

I didn't tell him it was the girls' fault because I don't want commotion so I said, I slipped and fell into the pool. He believed me. I am just thankful that he is still there for me. It may be because of the reason I was friends with him but I don't care. He is a real friend.

Your owner,


Dec. 25, 20XX

Dear diary,

My christmas is lonely this time. My parents cannot come home because they are stranded at the airport. There is a snow storm right now.

Jihoon visited me this morning to give his present for me. It is a necklace with a star pendant. It is really beautiful. He said it was a star because I always brighten up his dark days, which I think was really sweet. I never once heard someone tell me those kind of words before. I am really happy.

My present for him is a pair of shoes with green and blue neon coloured shoelaces. It really has no reason. It is just he always wears colorful shoelaces so, I thought he must've really like those and I bought them.

He thanked me and hugged me. I was stiff until he parted. It was really unexpected. I just smiled and said welcome.

Then, the storm came uninvited. So, he was obliged to stay until it passes. The night was chilly so we watched movies and drank hot choco in the living room with blankets wrapped around us. He really is a good company. I didn't feel alone for once.

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