~ (11) Hidden Truths ~

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Arisa closed her white jacket with a zipper so thin that it hardly showed. She examined herself for a moment, noticing that the jacket reached halfway her thighs and formed a folded skirt with a front opening that revealed her black shorts.

Seeing how the white metallic surface flashed under the dim light, Arisa wondered how much her grandparents spent on this present since its material was protective.

They must have wasted a fortune to buy this.

Even though she told them she wouldn't accept a present like this, in the end, they convinced her. They told her it was to make sure she would be safe throughout the challenge.

Arisa's left gloved hand touched the pommel of her new sword that was already attached to her belt. She examined her small room for the last time. The late morning sunlight brightened her single bed that stood by the open window. The light breeze filling her room blew the pink, hand-knitted curtains.

Not far from her bed stood a desk with a few books carefully tidied around it. Other books were placed in a modest bookshelf her grandfather had crafted, which sat on top of her desk. She remembered her younger self devouring those books.

She exhaled. Will I be the same when I come back?

As she touched her chest, she noticed that something was missing. With her heart speeding, Arisa approached her desk.

Besides a few books that were placed on the desk, a rag doll could be seen. A simple green jewelry box was by the puppet's side, a present Kazuya had given her years ago.

As she opened the box, she saw the hairpin Zen had given her for her birthday. The pin had a beautiful blue flower. In the middle of it, there was a symbol that she couldn't identify.

There was something I wanted to tell you, she remembered his words.

She took a deep breath, wishing that she could see him one last time before traveling to that world. A world that might change her life forever.

Arisa grabbed a few bangs covering her forehead and pinned them with his gift. She glanced back at her box, in search of the item that she absolutely couldn't lose. She picked the necklace with the colorful orb. As she examined the item, she remembered her conversation with her grandparents.

"My mother?" Arisa frowned. "But didn't she die in the war?"

"Yes," said her grandmother with sorrow. "But the thing she left there...it will be as if you're meeting her."

Arisa gazed at her, even more confused.

"When you'll meet her, she'll tell you all the truth," added her grandfather.

"The truth?" asked Arisa, dizziness striking her head.

"The truth about you and the Guardians," replied her grandfather.

She gazed at them, blinking repeatedly. She wondered what they meant by those words and how there could be any relation between her and those despicable beings. The last thing she wanted was to have something in common with them.

"There is a reason why your abilities are different," continued her grandfather, caressing her head.

Arisa showed a small smile. After she discovered her powers, she wondered why they were different. In her country, people were either born with the ability to fly and control air or were born powerless. She remembered her grandmother comforting her, saying that someone in the family tree passed Arisa those powers and that was why she was different.

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