~ (34) Scars ~

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"A-Aries?" Arisa struggled to find her words. "What do you mean by that? Have you met her before?"

From what she had read in her books, she learned that only the Oracle was allowed to meet and talk personally with the stars. She wondered if Caris had that special gift, which was only given to the Sages.

"Not really." Caris shook her head slowly. "But I have seen her and Leo in my dreams, ever since I was little."

The girls gazed at Caris with wonder shining in their eyes.

"Those dreams felt so real that I could see their aura." Caris couldn't hide her fascination.

As they resumed their walk, Arisa couldn't help but ask herself what kind of dream Caris had, to be so fascinated by them.

"They must have been sweet dreams for you to smile like that," teased Thelma.

"Well," said Caris, "most of them were peaceful, but they always ended up with Aries desperately asking me to take care of someone."

Arisa raised a brow, thinking that Caris definitely had intriguing dreams.

"The current Guardian of Leo's aura also reminds me of Leo himself."

Arisa's eyes widened. She wondered if Caris' dreams meant something.

"Maybe," Nala tried to guess. "Maybe it's because he already has Leo's power within him. That can be a possible reason why you see a resemblance in his aura."

"You may be right," said Caris thoughtfully, switching her gaze to Arisa. "This means that Aries has chosen you. That explains perfectly why your aura reminds me of her."

Arisa's heart was beating so fast that she stopped for a while to take a few deep breaths. Her heart pumped a mix of emotions. On one side, she felt happiness. On the other side, she felt doubt and fear. She feared that one day she would become a threat like the rest of the Guardians.

"Oh, so this means that I've been walking with the real chosen one?" Thelma smiled at Arisa. "The stars have made a good choice for once in a very long while."

"Um." Arisa didn't know what to say.

"Congratulations," said Nala kindly. "With you and Libra around, hope will be restored in the worlds."

Arisa gazed at the girls with a little guilt flowing within her. She didn't want to switch off those bright smiles the girls awarded her by telling them that she didn't have any intention of becoming a Guardian.

"Easy there," she said awkwardly. "It's just a theory. It could be wrong."

"I hope it's true," said Thelma. "We need people with your kindness to restore the good name of the Guardians."

"The Forbidden Lands to Arisa."

Arisa blinked twice as a snap of fingers rescued her from her thoughts. She found herself in the clearing where the team had camped the night before. The morning sun had already risen, illuminating the colorful and curious-looking forest.

"Is something bothering you?" asked Train. "You've been spacing out ever since you reached here."

Arisa gazed at him, her mind trapping itself in her thoughts again. The theory that Caris had told her minutes ago still made her feel mixed emotions. Thelma and Nala had also joined her grandparents in their wish for her to become a Guardian. If only her feelings towards the Guardians weren't so negative, she would grant their wish happily.

The Betrayal of the GuardiansWhere stories live. Discover now