~ (14) Perfect World (Part I)~

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Wake up.

The soft voice couldn't be heard as sounds of drums and singing overwhelmed her ears.

Amongst the curious crowd walking around the street, checking out every attraction available—a little girl in a simple cream-colored dress was looking around with eyes of confusion. Her shoulder length straight hair swayed as she turned around, still confused about what was happening.

She recognized the town. A place where the moon shone very closely.

As she walked, her eyes met different attractions—from food stalls that sold different types of meals, to areas hosting events with different prizes. She smiled as she spotted a small group performing around the street. Some of them were playing drums while others sang. What caught her attention was the different ways they danced and showed their talent using their abilities. 

She was amazed at the way the element of air was being used. The light green glow looked different as they played with their abilities.

"Hey there young maiden," called a soothing voice behind her. "Want to see what fate holds for you?" 

Arisa turned around. In between the colorful stalls and booths, her eyes met a cloaked figure sitting in a corner.

She curiously approached the figure, feeling tall as she noticed it was sitting on a short wooden box.

"May I see your fate?" asked the person, kindly offering its tanned hand.

From the figure's voice, Arisa concluded that the person was a woman. With no hesitation, Arisa offered her small hand. As it touched the woman's hand, she felt cold. She then felt a ticklish sensation, as the lady moved her finger around Arisa's soft palm.

"Interesting," said the woman.

Arisa gazed at the cloaked person with curious eyes.

"Your life," said the woman slowly, "ever since you were born, you have been living a life full of lies."

Arisa could hear her heartbeat speeding its pace.

"Wha-what do you mean?" asked Arisa, frowning.

"That everything about you is a lie." The woman dropped Arisa's hand gently. "You're surrounded by liars."

Arisa looked at the woman under the golden hood in disbelief. Even though she didn't know what that person meant, her heart couldn't help but hurt. With confusion, she wondered what those lies could be.

She thought of her grandparents and friends. She had such beautiful moments with them, she couldn't think of any of them lying to her. Arisa's life until now had been perfect—with her loved ones being there for her. What could her grandparents be hiding? 

Kazuya and his family were always kind to her. She considered them as another part of her family. Why would they lie, if there wasn't anything to hide?

"Zen," she whispered.

She then shook her head. Despite him being an Eterian and a person who rarely talked about himself—she trusted him. After all, they'd been friends for ages.

"The lies aren't the only things you should worry about, " continued the cloaked woman. "Fate doesn't hold a good future for you."

Arisa stared at the woman, her knees weakening. She had a bad feeling about the things the person was about to reveal.

"I saw a loss," said the woman, still maintaining her calm tone.

"Loss?" asked Arisa, rubbing her arms as she suddenly felt cold. "What do you mean by a loss?"

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