~ (38) Under the Starry Sky (Part I) ~

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The warm energy traveled to every cell of Arisa's body, relaxing her muscles and giving her sensation of peace.

As Nala concentrated her ability on Arisa, repairing every damaged cell obtained during the battle against Virgo, Arisa examined the surroundings that would be their spot to spend the night.

The white moon displayed its bright light, with a few fluffy clouds keeping it company as stars sparkled through the dark sky.

After an hour traveling through the woods, with their hearts hammering as they worried if Virgo would surprise them again, the team found a way out of the forest. They were now in a rocky green environment, surrounded by rounded boulders mixed with green vegetation.

Some of the large rocks not so far from them had small caves. The team decided to use them as protection from the cold.

As Nala treated her in silence, Arisa examined her hairpin. The light blue crystal flower flashed under the white light of the moon. She slowly rubbed the crystal pendant with her thumb, feeling the rough surface contact with her soft skin.

Where did you get this, Zen?

Even though she told herself that there must be a few charmed items like these around the worlds, she couldn't help, but worry. If what Virgo said was true and this item belonged to King Reiji's late wife, then Zen might have put himself into dangerous trouble. She didn't want to imagine what her threatening King could do to punish him.

She shook her head, hoping that everything was a coincidence.

If I survive, you'll have a lot of explaining to do, Mr. Arrogant II.

A smile spread across her face as she imagined him awkwardly trying to explain himself. As she remembered the first time they met, she realized that Zen had changed from the little boy who lacked emotions, to a young man who enjoyed mocking her.

Arisa's memories with him kept flashing in her mind—from the first time she saw him smiling, to the moment he gave her the birthday present.

I wanted to tell you something, but I guess I'll have to wait.

Her heart skipped at that memory. She released a deep sigh.

"Almost done," said Nala, placing her glowing hand on Arisa's left arm.

Arisa was glad that Nala pulled her away from her thoughts before her sealed feelings for Zen could awaken. She couldn't let that happen.

"I'm glad," said Arisa cheerfully. "Finally it will be the boys' turn to be treated, their wounds are far worse than mine."

Arisa gazed at the group sitting around a bonfire several steps away from them. Garoh remained in his beast form, his blue fur couldn't hide the bloodstain. Train was sitting by Caris' side; the orange flame revealed fresh wounds on his shoulders and chest.

"I think they wanted to behave like gentlemen and let the lady to be healed first," said Nala, her tone playful.

"I wish they could think a bit of themselves though," said Arisa. "They've suffered so much in that battle."

Arisa could still hear the colorful petals striking the boys. She wondered how such a soft object could cause deep damage.

As Arisa didn't drop her gaze at the group, Nala placed her soft glowing hand on Arisa's shoulder, sending more of her warm energy to the damaged area.

"They'll be fine." Nala broke the few seconds of silence. "Despite that blood, their wounds aren't deep."

"I guess, Virgo was toying with us." Arisa remembered the many living plants attacking them and catching them by surprise.

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