~ (52) The Tale of Light & Darkness ~

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"A land between two worlds," repeated Arisa.

"Yes," said Lucinda. "The discovery of that land set the longtime rivalry between the two countries."

Arisa's heart sped as she was excited to hear more. She had always wondered what was the reason behind the two countries' hatred towards each other. As no one was able to give her a proper answer besides mentioning their origins, Arisa concluded that it was in their nature to hate each other.

"I will tell you how it all started," said Lucinda, gesturing with her hands again.

Arisa found herself in a rocky field, with several hills surrounding them. A bit of vegetation added green color to the brown environment, from medium length grass to thick trees. As she examined her surroundings, she saw several creatures exploring the area—most of them being children and youngsters.

The creatures varied from monstrous-looking beings to human-like ones with small details that defined their origins.

Arisa's chin dropped as she concluded what place they were currently in.

"This is..." Arisa didn't finish her words as she was fascinated with everything she saw.

"A part of the land of Eteria," Lucinda completed her daughter's words. "If you look up, you may see a small bit of your country."

Arisa didn't hesitate and looked up. Although most of the blue sky was clear, several fluffy clouds could be seen. Through some of those white clouds, Arisa spotted a bit of earth escaping through them.

Arisa smiled. "Celestia."

Only by having that small glance of her homeland, Arisa's heart raced. Almost a week had passed since she left her country and she couldn't help but miss home. Despite having always wished to travel the worlds, her world would always be special for her.

"So Celestia and Eteria haven't hated each other since forever," said Arisa.

"Well," said Lucinda, "there have been moments the two countries would disagree with each other. Despite having a little battle here and there, they would always settle their disagreement and let peace fall in their countries."

"Oh," said Arisa, glancing at the brown soil.

She was hopeful that the two countries were peaceful until they discovered that land.

"Unfortunately mortals' imperfections bring wars towards each other," said Lucinda. "It is to be expected that peace will never last for long, despite some people wishing for it, my daughter."

"You're right," Arisa agreed. "I don't know why I keep deluding myself, thinking that people were once peaceful."

Lucinda smiled. "You are not deluding yourself; you are just hopeful. I am sure many people think like you."

Arisa smiled.

"Continuing with the tale," said Lucinda, "Eterians and Celestians somehow lived peacefully. Like other worlds, the inhabitants of your world were unaware of the existence of other worlds. When rumors about worlds beyond theirs spread, this was their reaction."

The environment around them faded, allowing another area to take its place. Arisa found herself in a large hall, loaded with several beings looking at the people in front of them.

As she examined her surroundings, she noticed stone-built pillars dividing the hall. The cream-colored walls had a detail that varied from straight patterns to curved ones. Through the crowd, Arisa could see several statues standing by the walls.

Arisa finally set her view to the front and saw two people sitting on the thrones. The light reflecting from the colorful glass behind them, bathed their figures, awarding them a majestic look.

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