~ (37) Lady of the Flowers (Part I) ~

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Nala healed Train and treated the light wounds the girls had, even though they told her there was no need.

After she treated everyone, the members of the team prepared themselves to face their unknown fate against Virgo. With nervousness flowing within them, the team resumed their trip to meet the Guardian at the appointed place.

They walked through the flowery road that was once again feasting their eyes with a tranquil view. Small petals danced in the air; various types of flowers and plants garnished the ground.

As the beautiful view tried to fool them, the team walked every step with their guard raised up. They glanced around, examining every corner in case the Guardian decided to attack them by surprise.

Several minutes passed before they saw a passageway several meters in front of them. Arisa's eyes widened at that sight. The trees of the passageway barely looked like trees. The flowers camouflaged their surface, growing up and forming an arch, mimicking a gate. Arisa's heart raced, wondering what was to be expected beyond that entrance.

Garoh stopped. "I guess, beyond that gate, we'll finally meet her."

Arisa gazed at the entrance nervously, her heart growing heavy again.

"Thelma," continued Garoh, his tone calm, "I'll need your help again. Please take care of Nala and Caris while we keep Virgo busy."

Caris looked up at him timidly, while Nala shot him a stare of protest.

"Don't worry," said Thelma. "My four eyes are on them."

Arisa glanced at Thelma, her brow raising.

Thelma laughed. "Forty-seven's surveillance cameras are like my second eyes."

Arisa smiled at her, in an attempt not to laugh.

"Thank you," said Garoh kindly. "I don't know what I would do without your help."

Thelma winked. "You're welcome. It's the least I can do for being useless."

Arisa frowned. "But you're not useless."

Arisa remembered the short moments she saw her in action. Thelma would mysteriously disappear from the battlefield and shoot her target perfectly without hurting her teammates as they battled in the area. She certainly was a skilled individual.

"Well," said Thelma, her tone quiet, "lately I've been useless."

Arisa gazed at her, wondering why she felt like that.

"Anyone can feel useless when battling a Guardian," said Train.

"Thanks for the encouraging words, Mr. Tough Guy," teased Thelma, her lips curving up.

Garoh grinned. "Like last time, I'll ask you to find a place to hide until we somehow defeat Virgo."

"No!" protested Nala, approaching him. "This time I want to fight alongside the team."

"And do what?" asked Garoh, his tone firm. "You don't have any experience with battle, except self-defense. What are you going to do? I'm sure your self-defense won't work against a Guardian."

Nala looked sideways thoughtfully as if she was searching for a perfect answer.

"I'll find a way to help," she said. "The more members challenge Virgo, the higher the chance for us to escape."

Garoh sighed. "Don't underestimate a Guardian, Nala. You've already experienced her powers. You'll only get in our way."

After hearing those words, Nala looked away. Arisa couldn't help but wonder if she was offended by his words.

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