~ Epilogue ~

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The setting sun's light invaded the large room through the transparent glass of the window. The orange light hardly reflected the gray walls that had abstract patterns decorating their surface. The weak illumination blended with the darkness of the area.

Everyone had made themselves comfortable, randomly sitting close to a rectangular table that had nothing but a blue cloth covering it.

All the Guardians, except En and his cousin, had their armor protecting their identity. As his colleagues reported their failed mission to the man sitting on the far end of the table, En didn't drop his gaze from the furniture.

With his hands touching his forehead that was once again covered with his dark hair, En disconnected himself from their conversation, losing himself in his thoughts.

Images of her smile flashed in his mind. He could hear her cheerful laughter as he remembered the fun moments they spent together. An image of her glaring at him for mocking her quickly spread a smile across his face.

He sighed and glanced at his right hand.

Regret flowed in his veins. He couldn't believe he had raised his sword to her. He still asked himself how he could do such an action to the girl he had known for years. No people that had known each other for many years would have the courage to kill one another. Yet he did.

As he drowned himself deep in his thoughts, her despair haunted him. He clenched his fist, remembering her cry and disbelief after hearing the truth about him. At that moment, he wanted to console her. He wanted to tell her that everything was a misunderstanding but ended up hurting her even more.

His feelings tortured him, but as the son of the Dragon King, he couldn't show any sign of weakness. He kept his gaze focused on the table, fighting not to let those feelings slip on his expression.

Shaula's voice ripped him away from his thoughts. His cousin happily reported to his father and the Council how he protected a Celestian, who turned up to be their target.

Goosebumps spread on En's skin as he felt his father's gaze on him. A gaze of disappointment. Years ago, En would feel bad and ask for forgiveness. But now, his feelings were too heavy for him to ask for it.

En was trying to digest that he almost killed the girl who washed away his loneliness. His stomach turned as he remembered himself attempting to pierce her heart. He didn't understand how he had forgotten his feelings towards her at that moment. Maybe his Eterian blood had the better of him as he still had the strength to fight his best friend.

"I knew that your Earthling side would interfere someday," said a male voice. "As I thought, you're not suitable to be our King, Prince En."

En raised his head and leaned closer to the furniture, in search of the man that looked at him with eyes of disgust. Not far from him, sitting close by his father's side, a man was staring at him with amusement.

The man was slightly strong and had tanned skin. His coffee eyes had shades of yellow on its contours. His dark brown hair had strands of gray and his face showed signs of his advancing age.

Despite his uncle being several months younger than his father, he looked really old compared to his brother, who seemed to have stopped aging in his early thirties.

En smiled. "No matter what you think about me, I'll end up being your King."

His uncle's glare brought joy to him, distracting him from the heavy feelings that were bothering him.

"Now that Aries has awakened," said a distant voice, "I guess everything is over?"

En turned around and saw a black armored figure, sitting a few seats away from him.

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