~ (54) Oracle ~

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Arisa didn't drop her gaze at the woman standing in front of her.

"And that's why you are here now, my daughter," said Lucinda. "You along with your fellow stars were reborn in this world to end everything."

Arisa's heart beat uncontrollably as she heard those words. Hearing that she was actually Aries still startled her.

"But if I am Aries and the current Guardians are the reincarnation of other stars," said Arisa, "how come most of them have such disgusting behavior? I thought we were mystical creatures of peace."

Images of the Guardians mercilessly killing the candidates invaded her mind again. She shook her head to push that terrible memory away. She couldn't believe those heartless beings were mystical creatures in the past. There was no way they were them.

"The stars are peaceful creatures," reassured Lucinda. "Unfortunately, there was a price to be paid for you to be reborn."

Arisa raised a brow, wanting to hear more.

"There have been beings who have reincarnated before and the stars were one of them," said Lucinda. "According to them, the price to be paid was to lose memories of their previous life and lose most of their powers. I don't know if the latter affected you as sometimes your main power remains. Are you able to summon fire?"

Arisa shook her head. "No. I just can release heatwaves."

"Oh, then that means your element was sacrificed," said Lucinda. "But do not worry, you will have your powers back once you accept the offer."

Arisa glanced sideways, her gaze meeting Aries' statue—or better, her statue. Her heart sped at the thought that she was once that woman, who was looking beyond the room with her sword pierced down. The crimson flame still danced around the sword's blade.

Arisa sighed.

"I don't know," said Arisa, glancing at Lucinda. "After everything I've seen, I'm not sure if I want to be a Guardian."

"It is not their fault they are like this, my daughter," said Lucinda. "Unfortunately they are mortals now, therefore they have our flaws. Losing their memories cost part of their good hearts to be sacrificed. That is why I am here talking to you."

Arisa raised her brows. "What do you mean by that?"

The darkness invaded the Sanctum again and quickly shifted into a vast garden. As she glanced the new environment, Arisa saw white buildings and several pillars decorating the area.

A man in white robes and very short dark brown hair was sitting cross-legged, gazing at the starry sky.

"Have you summoned me, Oracle?" asked a gentle voice behind Arisa.

As Arisa turned around, her heart leaped in surprise. A young woman with long blonde hair stood before her.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon, Lucinda," said the Oracle. "I thought you would answer my call in the next few days since you're busy with your wedding preparations."

Arisa turned around to face the man; she noticed that he had a light shade of blue in his eyes.

"Well, Ky was able to convince his mother to give me a break for a bit," said Lucinda, "since you must have something important to tell me for you to call me."

"Smart little Ky," teased the Oracle. "He must be trying to comfort me after he stole you from Ekliptus. I never thought he would be able to convince you to be with him. You were so determined to take my title."

Lucinda smiled. "Well, unexpected things can happen even us Altheyans cannot predict. Even though I tried to push him away because he will have a terrible ending with me, he kept coming back."

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