~ (47) Strength of Taurus (Part II) ~

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The team gazed at the armored figure as it stood on the pile of stones and sand. The morning sun bathed his bronze armor, providing him a majestic look.

"I must say, I'm impressed with your strength," said Taurus, jumping from the remains of his pet.

The ground shook slightly as his armored boots hit the ground. Taurus regained his posture, gazing at them behind his bronze helmet.

"You're the first ones who forced me to show myself," he continued. "Congratulations, you shall die by the Emperor's hand."

As Taurus kept intimidating them with his vigorous armored figure, Arisa could recognize the dim-lit sign printed on his chest. Two curved lines were drawn on top of a circle, defining the Guardian's sign.

"I'm glad to hear that, Taurus." Train broke the several seconds of silence. "It was about time you developed a little pride and fought us like a real man."

An arrogant laugh stuffed their surroundings. "I admire your bravery in insulting me, kid. No one ever dares to badmouth me. Even when I'm not around."

Arisa glanced at the Guardian. She understood why no creature in the worlds wouldn't dare to insult such a powerful being like him.

"Well, what else can we do?" asked Garoh. "We could die here. There's nothing better than insulting the ones you hate before dying."

As the Guardian lost himself in his laughter, Arisa gazed at Garoh and then at Train. She knew Garoh used taunts as a battle strategy to distract the enemy. With Train joining that tactic, she couldn't help but wonder what would happen if Taurus lost his temper.

"Good one, Wolf Guy," said Taurus, calming down. "Yes, I agree with what you said. There is nothing better than expressing your hatred before you die."

The Guardian walked a step forward. The team prepared their weapons for battle.

Garoh took a deep breath. "Alright my fellows. This will be the first time we battle another Guardian after that monster. Since that armor is pretty tough, we can only fight him together with all our strength, meaning, we can't fight him individually. Understood?"

"Yes," Arisa replied quickly.

Several seconds passed before Train replied with a slow nod.

"I do wonder, though," said Taurus out of the blue. "Why do you hate me so much, kid? You have been spouting hatred towards me ever since I contacted you."

Despite his words trying to make him look hurt, there was no tone of sorrow in his cold voice.

"I know there are many envious people out there," continued the Guardian, "but usually those are grown-ups and old men. Kids admire me; I'm shocked to see you hating me. Who brainwashed you to hate the great Emperor of the North American Empire?"

Garoh shook his head. "After everything you've done to the candidates who stumbled in this land, you think anyone would admire you?"

"Of course." Taurus gazed at Garoh. "They would understand my reasoning. I'm doing this for the sake of the worlds. Aries must never awaken, therefore her chosen candidate has to die."

Arisa could hear her heart thumping. She wondered if she would ever find out the answer to why they wanted her dead.

"Ridiculous," said Train.

Arisa gazed at her right side; she noticed that Train was fighting to keep his calm.

"You should know very well why I hate you-you disgusting criminal!"

Taurus folded his armored arms. "Criminal?"

"I'll give you a hint," said Train. "Eight years ago. Calgary Village, Canada."

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