~ (49) Cry ~

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The Guardian complained as he tried to move his stunned body.

"We'd better go before he frees himself," said Caris.

Arisa gazed at Train's lifeless body for the last time. The light wind messed his golden hair, swaying several strands that hid his blood-covered face. Despite his face being mostly disfigured, his warm smile still could be seen.

Arisa wiped away her tears. "O-okay."

Taurus attempted to move his immobilized body. "When I finally free myself, you will have a more painful death than your comrades, little girl. No one shames the Emperor!"

Caris gazed at the Guardian, her arms trembling.

"Come." Arisa grabbed Caris' hand. "Let's go."

As they rushed away from the Guardian, they could hear him grunting and attempting to force his frozen body to respond to his commands.

"I hope his muscles stay asleep until we find a safe place," said Caris, peeking over her shoulder.

"Asleep?" asked Arisa. "What did you do?"

Arisa remembered Caris warning her to cover her ears if one day she would be forced to use her ability. She never asked what her voice could do.

"I tried to help using my voice," Caris replied. "The people of the sea have a special tone in their voice that stuns whoever hears their song for a limited time. Usually, the people of the sea use this ability to catch their prey."

As they distanced themselves from the Guardian, Arisa glanced at the Oceanian for a second.

"No, Nala!" A desperate voice broke the heavy atmosphere.

Arisa shifted her view to her front and spotted Garoh sitting on the dusty soil, hugging Nala. A small smile formed across Arisa's face. The weight in her heart lifted as relief calmed it. She was glad that at least Garoh survived the Guardian's attack.

As the girls approached them, Arisa wondered what happened for Garoh to sound so desperate and hurt. She heard his cry as they finally caught the spot where the couple was embracing.

Arisa's heart sped. "Garoh, what's wrong?"

Garoh didn't reply, his face hidden on Nala's shoulder, sobbing.

With worry overflowing through her veins again, Arisa gazed at the healer nervously. Her heart tightened when she spotted the reason behind Garoh's sorrow. She covered her mouth, her eyes burning.

Through the long chocolate brown hair covering Nala's back, Arisa noticed a deep stain darkening part of her hair. She didn't take long to spot a crimson substance tainting the healer's bright oriental clothing. Garoh's hand was covered with blood as he touched Nala's wound.

"N-no." Arisa's knees weakened. "Not you too, Nala."

As she fought to hold back her tears, Arisa examined Nala's deep wound. Her gaze caught several sharp stones stuck on the healer's back, with some dropped on the ground covered with blood.

Arisa's tears rolled on her cheeks, realizing that several of Taurus' floating stones caught Nala. Arisa didn't realize that the Guardian was aiming beyond her and Train. She wiped her eyes, wishing she could have done something to avoid Taurus to use that deadly attack.

"Na-Nala," said Garoh. "Please wake up; don't leave me."

There was no response coming from the healer.

With Garoh's sobs filling the silence, sorrow pierced Arisa, accepting that her lovely companion was no longer there.

I wish I could be stronger to avoid my sad fate with him, Arisa remembered Nala's words.

The Betrayal of the Guardiansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें