~ (20) Cruel Butterfly ~

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Arisa breathed heavily, cold sweat flowing down on her face. She glanced up and saw Nina staring back at her with worry.

When she tried to sit, pain ran through her body. Arisa realized that she was sleeping on the sandy floor in an uncomfortable position. With Nina's help, she grabbed her seat and calmed down only to notice that on the other side of the cave, Thelma was sobbing.

Surprised, Arisa asked herself if Thelma had the same nightmare as her. But judging by her shocked and trembling state, she guessed that Thelma's nightmare was even worse.

"Here, drink this." Nina offered her a white cup.

Arisa shakily accepted the cup and had her drink. She felt refreshed, as the cold water touched her digestive system.

After she drank the water in one go, she saw Bastian patting a crying Thelma. Ever since she met her, Arisa was sure that she had a fun personality and would not take everything seriously. She thought Thelma would be the one to comfort a crying member. She never knew a person with Thelma's personality could cry easily.

"You were in a deep sleep so you didn't hear her," said Nina, noticing Arisa's concentration towards Thelma. "She suddenly shouted and cried. We did everything to wake her up, but for some reason, she wouldn't. Even our calming words couldn't reach her."

"It must have shown her terrible things," said Arisa, her tone quiet.

She guessed that maybe Thelma had a visit from the butterfly.

"Was it the Dream Weaver?" asked Nina. "Bastian said that besides it giving you beautiful dreams, it can also give you nightmares."

"I don't think it was the Dream Weaver," replied Arisa. "The voice in my dream was hypnotic; it was as if every time it spoke to me, my mind would weaken and expose itself. The Dream Weaver on the other hand had a calming voice that would relax my mind."

Even though she would talk to the butterfly normally in her dream, at times Arisa felt like her mind was being invaded.

"Maybe it's another form of it," concluded Nina.

"Could be," replied Arisa, feeling heaviness in her shoulders. "I just hope I won't pass through that again."

We shall meet again.

Arisa's heart sank like a stone as she remembered those words.

Until what point will this world play with my feelings?  

She wanted to believe her grandparents. There was no way those caring people would lie about her heritage.

She took a deep breath. I'm in the Forbidden Lands.

She reminded herself that everything that happened there wasn't real. It was a way of the land to confuse her, to make her lose her mind like she once heard. She had to be strong and deal with what was to come by trusting and believing in her family.

She breathed out. I believe in them.

                                   ♌ ♈ ♎

After a few hours trying to regain their calm, the team had breakfast before they resumed their journey. Once again Train distanced himself from the group, but with a little conversation, Arisa coaxed him to join them.

Although he was still a meter away from them, Arisa thought he was showing progress in trying to be more social with the team. Thelma returned to her easy-going mode. Arisa smiled as she saw her playfully mocking Train. It was as if the nightmare she had, never happened.

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