~ (37) Lady of the Flowers (Part II) ~

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The blue field shielded Arisa as colorful petals fell from the sky, producing a pelting sound as both materials clashed.

What's this? How can soft petals cause so much noise?

It was as if someone was throwing stones at a steel shield. As she trembled with terror flowing within her, she remembered the boys. She glanced to her right side; she saw them shielding themselves with their arms as petals continuously fell from the sky.

"Train, Garoh!" Arisa ran towards them, her hairpin continuing to shield her.

As soon as she reached the boys, she grabbed their arms. The field quickly expanded itself, forming a small dome around the trio. As the boys no longer felt the petals cutting them, they lowered their arms. Arisa noticed that they were covered with blood in the many areas the petals had hit them.

Her heart sank at the sight of those wounds. 

"Are you guys okay?" she asked.

Garoh nodded slowly. "These aren't deep cuts. We'll be fine."

"Right," agreed Train. "You caught us in time before they could do any real damage."

Arisa stared at them, worried. Despite them saying they were fine, their appearance told another story. Fresh bloodstained cuts covered their arms, neck, and chest. Even their clothing had cuts.

"That's an interesting power you have there, little girl," said Virgo.

The falling petals suddenly intensified, hitting the small dome with a strong force. Arisa's heart raced. For the first time, she felt as if her hairpin would break.

Please don't break.

"I don't think this field will last long." Arisa could barely hear Train's voice in between the pelting sound of the petals. "What'll we do once it breaks?"

Arisa looked downwards, the idea of her precious gift breaking tore her heart.

"Virgo is only targeting this area." Garoh examined their surroundings carefully. "I think I found a good place for us to hide. Follow me."

As they followed Garoh's lead, Arisa didn't drop her hand on the large furry arm of the wolf, making sure the hairpin would continue to protect her companions.

The petals kept falling. As they reached Garoh's destination, Arisa noticed that a small number of petals were falling in there.

Arisa's eyes widened as she saw an abnormally big white flower planted in the area in front of them. It looked more like a giant umbrella.

"We should be fine here, at least for a few minutes," said Garoh as they hid behind the flower.

Arisa released the boys' arms as they sat, exhaling. She looked behind the large green stem of the flower and saw the petals still falling, hitting the ground hard.

"I wonder if she knows that we're no longer there," she said, returning her view to the boys.

"She'll find out soon and this time for sure she'll wipe us out," said Train, his tone nervous.

Garoh sighed. "I wish I could fight her personally before she takes our life. She has to pay for what she did to Nala. If we only had an elemental power to stop those annoying petals, I'm sure she wouldn't have another trick."

A lamp lit in Arisa's mind. "Of course! Guys, I have an idea."

The boys gazed at her with wonder.

"I'll try to use my heatwave to stop the petals. You stay hidden in here so that my wave won't affect you."

"Are you sure about that?" asked Garoh.

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