~ (53) The Betrayal of the Guardians ~

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Arisa gulped. "What?"

The sound of her thumping heart met her ears as she glanced at the blonde lady in front of her. She wasn't sure if she had misheard Lucinda's words or if she was imagining things.

"You are actually Aries," replied Lucinda. "Well, technically right now you are someone else in this world. But you are Aries in spirit. Have you noticed how your abilities are different from other Celestians?"

Arisa nodded slowly. "My grandparents told me it's because an ancestor of our family passed them to me. Now that you have told me the truth, I think I might have inherited them from you."

"I wish I could apologize to that lovely couple for forcing them to lie to you," said Lucinda. "Unfortunately, Altheyans only have the ability to predict the future and sense a danger close by. The reason you have those powers is because you are Aries. One of your abilities is fire."

Arisa tried to say something, but nothing left her lips. Her heart wouldn't calm down as she attempted to digest yet another unexpected revelation.

She glanced at her trembling hands as she fought to calm down. She couldn't believe that she was once that mystical creature.

It's as if you're actually her, Caris' words flashed in her mind.

"One of my friends told me that I reminded her of Aries," said Arisa, breaking the brief silence. "To think that her theory was right, I wasn't expecting this."

"Your friend must have a great gift to see Aries in you," said Lucinda. "Usually, only the Oracles know the stars' personalities since they interact with them."

Arisa blinked twice, wondering if Caris was indeed gifted with amazing abilities.

"But it is true, you are Aries," continued Lucinda. "You along with the other stars were reborn to the mortal worlds. You came to this world to stop the fear the Guardians have spread for many years."

Arisa's brows touched. "Stop their threat? How?"

There was a time Arisa wished that someone could do something to stop the Guardians. But thought her wish wouldn't come true as the Guardians themselves were powerful. She sometimes would wonder why new people kept being chosen. In the end, those chosen ones would use their abilities to threaten anyone that crossed their path.

"That is another part of the tale of Light and Darkness," replied Lucinda. "As I told you before, after Eteria's reign on Earth fell, the stars chose different creatures from around the worlds to protect each other."

The darkness filled the room again, allowing the light to only brighten their figures.

"For years the worlds lived with hope as the chosen ones always appeared to offer their helping hand," continued Lucinda.

The darkness in the room swapped into a busy environment, where a small town was under attack by several ferocious creatures. The monsters were at least two meters tall. Grayish skin covered their skeletal figure, long sharp nails flashed on their arms and legs.

As Arisa witnessed despair in the townspeople's faces, five colored armored figures suddenly showed up in the area. They didn't waste any time and spread around the town.

Some of the figures engaged in the battle against the ferocious creatures, using their elements and weapons to take them down. Others ran around the zone, looking for any trapped victims in the debris.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked a male voice.

Arisa turned around. Her heart skipped when she spotted a red armored figure talking to a purple-skinned being.

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