Chapter 23

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If there was one thing that made me wake up, it was movements. I could swear someone was moving around in my room, and I struggled to open my eyes. When I did, I saw Bambi pacing.

"Bambi, if I didn't know you at all, I'd say you were contemplating whether to kill me or not." I said, still very groggy.

Bambi threw her hands in the air, "Thank God you're awake! I didn't want to wake you up because I remembered you saying yesterday that you didn't get enough sleep. You sleep like a freaking log!"

"Well, I'm actually not done sleeping because of your movements, but that was quite thoughtful."

"Right. Now sit up!" She walked to me and pulled my hands up, until I sat up in my bed.

I groaned, "What's up?"

"I'm freaking out!" She placed her hands over her ear.

"Huh? Why?"

"I'm hanging out with Jesse today!"

I rolled my eyes and said in disbelief,
"You woke me up from sleep because you wanted to tell me you were hanging out with Jesse today?"

"Well, I didn't exactly wake you up. You were just disturbed by my movements."

I rolled my eyes, "If you're hanging out with Jesse, then why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready or something?"

"It's just past eight! He's coming to pick me up by twelve."

"Where are you guys going to?" I asked, smiling.

"I don't even know." She bit her lip.

"Look, calm down, okay? It can't be that bad at all."

"What if he really sweet talks me and I fall, and then we end up in the same bed-"

"Reading Shakespeare?" I asked, playing dumb.

"No, Kenzi! You know what I mean. He isn't even in Literature."

"Calm down. Just calm down. Look, it usually takes nothing for Jesse to get a girl, right?"

"Yep. A wink and a smile does it." She nodded

"He's clearly chasing you. I haven't seen him with any girl since the party, think about it. We agreed you were going to try. Plus, you do like the guy."

She sighed, "Yes."

"Right. Do it for your Kenzi." I smiled

Bambi let out a breath and bounced on my bed, laying beside me.

"I told Tanner about Mom yesterday." I said suddenly.

Bambi looked up at me, "Really? I thought you already did?"

"No, like, in detail this time."

"Ah, someone's already falling."

"No! He begged me to, and he did seem really sincere. He even asked to follow me to see her the next time I'll be going."

"Are you serious?"

"Yep." I nodded

"That's unbelievable."

"No. This is unbelievable. So, yesterday, Darren offered to bring me home, and well, I accepted and while he was waiting for me to grab my stuff, Tanner pops up from nowhere and says he's ready to take me home. In the end, Darren had to leave because Tanner had to go far by saying something about us agreeing that he took me home!"

"He was jealous!"

"Jealous that I don't have a car?" I tried playing dumb.

Bambi rolled her eyes in frustration, "No! You don't understand-"

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