Chapter 5

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Celaenas POV

Stunned silence engulfed the room. Suddenly Thor spoke "Father with all due respect what are you doing? We do not need a pathetic assassin to help us in the up coming battle."

I looked at him annoyed. Who does he think he is? Just because he was the prince it did not mean that i had any respect towards him why should I? He is nothing but one of those arrogant nitwits. After all his father is the reason for my exile and my parents deaths.

"This battle is one we were not prepared for none of us on Asgard know how to fight these beings. They have not trained with any one or shared any of their secrets apart from with her." Odin replied nodding towards me.

"But father-" Thor started, but Odin put up his hand to silence him.

"Thor though you are soon to be king you can not tell me whether or not my plan is going to work because I know what I am doing"

I looked between the two gods with an ammused smirk. I tured to Odin and asked "Odin pray tell me which army you are going to face that you need my help?"

He looked at me his one blue eye blazing "The metal giants"

I looked at him stunned and chuckled. What could have he done to make them mad? No wonder he needs me. He is right, no one knows of their weakness because they kept their secrets to themselves, but when training to be an assassin my master Abrobyn made me train with them, at a very high price I guessed and I knew each and every one of their dirty secrets.

"We can beat those giants without her help father ,she could not even beat me" Thor continued angrily.

I tossed my hair and looked at his thunderous eyes "Do you really think I was fighting to my full potential, have you not heard of the time I practically mutated a frost giant?" I looked at Odin "Has he not heard of that precious time when I lost it and killed almost half of your palace guards to kill that one giant before you captured me?"

Th king looked at me with eyes blazing and turned to his son "She is more capable than she seems" Odin took a deep breath "It was the night to rejoice because of the marriage of our captain of the guard. Celaena was there she had some how snuck in. Everyone was in our palace if you remember even a frost giant who was the captains close friend."

I looke at him and smirked "Do you want me to continue the story?" he looked at me and only nodded. Sif and the warriors three shifted uncomfortably "He was going around trying to seduce women and well there was young servant girl and he was trying to force himself on her, when she refused he grew mad and grabbed her by the arm and took her out. I was there watching the whole thing and that did not settle well for me, so I followed.

"I found them in an ally way and he was using his power to freeze the girl so he would be able to take her innocence. I grabbed him on the back of his neck and threw him to the wall. The girl ran and I looked to him he was getting up and I could tell he was not happy. He attacked, so naturally I defended. He tried to freeze me but I was beyond mad. I had a sword and drove it through his chest into the wall and he hung there. Everyone heard the fight and the palace guards came they tried to fight me but they could not capture me I killed half of them that night before one mannaged to hit me on the head and after, well I was taken to exile."

They looked at me in silence and Thor stared at me with what seemed like fear. I turned my head to Odin.

"As you see she is capable. So if you train my men and help me lead them to battle when it is done you may walk free and I will take away any of your crimes." Odin stated.

I tilted my head and looked at him "So I train your men lead them to battle then I can walk free if I survive" he simpply nodded.

I looked at Thor and his friends; they can be trained I guess just need to make sure that they make no mistakes. "What have I got to loose? Very well your majesty I accept your generous offer"

He looked at me and gave a small smile. "Thor take Lady Celaena to her chambers and make sure either you or one of the warriors three is with her at all times we do no want a repeat of that one night"

Thor nodded stiffly and took my arm into his large hand. "As you wish AllFather"

"Sir may you please remove this cuff I swear I will not attack people after all my freedom is on the line" I smiled sweetly.

He nodded and walked towards me and took the arm with the cuff and touched it. There was click and it was finally removed. I rub my wrist and nodded my thanks.

"Are you sure that is wise father?" Thor muttered.

Odin just wave his hand to dismiss us. With that we walked out of the golden throne room and Thor lead me to my chambers and my freedom.

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