Chapter 25

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Celaena's POV

I galloped through the empty streets of Asgard urging Sunhild to go faster. The houses cast dark shadows, which seem to lengthen and go on forever. The chilling wind blew my cloaks hood off leaving my hair to fly behind me like a whip. As I drew closer to the barn I stopped at a pub.

Getting off Sunhild I tied her to the pole. Shrugging out of my cloak I walked over to the wall of the pub and grabbed on of the holdings. I hauled myself up to its roof and crouched. I looked at dimly lit barn trying to spot any shadows. Then there through a small opening there was a giant figure of a metal giant. I smiled silently and summoned a cross bow and held it up. Aiming at the back of the giants neck I let the arrow fly. It struck it's mark and he collapsed to the floor with a silent thud. I released my breath and stood. Steadying myself I jumped over to the roof of the barn landing quietly.

I grabbed the ledge of the window below me and swung in landing softly on a platform. There was a dark corner so I slid there hiding myself in the shadows. I looked around seeing two more guards on the platform, which circled the room below. I looked down below me and saw him. Thor. His wrists were cuffed the chains were behind him leading to the floor. His arms were straining it was obvious he has tried to break his chains because his wrists were bleeding. In front of his was Flareos his meaty arms folded behind his back. He was pacing and smiling to himself obviously amused.

"Do you know how fun it was toying with both your emotions?" Flareos laughed.

Thor scowled and pulled at chains again.

"Do you think she will come or is her hatred going to get the better of her?"

Thor ignored him and looked around I silently prayed that he did not spot me because if he did then he may give away my position. Thank Odin his eyes skimmed past where I was without a second glance. I quickly summoned my crossbow again and took aim I shot both of the guards quickly.

Suddenly there were loud foot steps and a giant grabbed my arms. I twisted and got out of the hold. Summoning a dagger I jumped up over its head using its shoulders as leverage. Whilst in mid air I slammed the dagger into its weak spot. It collapsed and there was more swarming up.


Thor's POV

When I came around I had found myself in a strange structure and in front of me was Flareos pacing smiling to himself. I tried to stand but I fell back down because of the chains that held me on the floor. I tried to use my strength to break the bonds but I couldn't.

Flareos chuckled " Do not even try godling those chains are made from the forges of my kingdom they are stronger than you."

"Why am I here?" I gritted my teeth.

"You are merely bait for the real prize"

It then dawned on me "You want Celaena"

Flareos clapped his hands and went back to pacing silently. I growled silently to myself and tried to pull on the chains again. "She won't come"

Out of no where a hand collided with my face. I tasted blood in my mouth and looked up starring into the dead eyes of Flareos. I spat a mixture of blood and saliva. He laughed louder.

"Do not speak to me fool" Flareos snarled.

It had been a long time now and Flareos was getting agitated but he still has
a smug smile on his face. He was still pacing back and forth and my wrist are sore from hour of straining against my chains. Suddenly there was commotion and there was a dark shape coming out of the shadows. Celaena.

One by one the giants fell at her feet. She was deadly she was her own weapon. It was a blur of weapons and now I knew why she was Asgard's assassin. I watched as she stalked her way through the crowd of giants taking them out single handedly. What struck me was how cold she seemed like she was not really there. Suddenly Flareos spoke up.

"Stop!" I felt his blade press onto my back.

The giants stopped and looked down at him Celaena did the same her eyes flashing in anger when she saw what was happening. "Get yourself away from him"

She jumped down from where she was and summoned a sword she held it to her side and stared at him in annoyance. "Now now there is no need for that, I simply wanted to speak with you."

"Really, there are other ways of capturing my attention."

"Yes well this is the most effective"

"You bastard messing with my emotions"

"It was amusing."

She glared and held out her sword "You have me here, speak"

Flareos smiled devilishly "I want you to join my army"

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