Chapter 33

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Thor's POV

I watched helplessly as the life left Celaena. I could not believe it I lost her she is gone. Her eyes closed as she took her final breath and I let out a strangled cry. Pain, pain, pain was all I felt. I felt arms wrap around me. I looked and it was my mother. She murmured that it was going to be okay but all I was capable of was crying and sobbing.

"Come on son." she said softly "Let us take her to the kingdom so she will be able to have a proper send off"

I nodded numbly. My heart felt like it was wrapped in lead. I lifted Celaenas body her hair falling from her face. I looked at her she seemed so at peace. Me and my mother walked towards the palace.

When we entered the golden hall the people looked at Celaena and sadness filled their faces. Many came to me giving me their condolences and I just nodded. When we reached the infirmary I placed her on a bed and people came.

"We will ready her body for tonight." a woman murmured "I am sorry for your loss my prince."

I walked away towards my room. No one came near me and I could not care less. I felt dead inside and I knew I probably looked dead on the outside. I walked into my room and sat on my bed. I put my head in my hands and shuddered. Why? Why me? Why her?

I stood deciding that I needed to get ready for her funeral. A tear slid out at that thought. After I had bath and had put on my armor I went to my dresser. I looked down and saw there was and envelope with my name in beautiful cursive writing. I opened it slowly and looked at the words before me.


I remember when I first saw you and felt so revolted at your existence that I wanted to barf. I remember the way you looked at me like I was going to grow horn or something. I remember when I first looked at you and felt something, it was when we were training the first time. I remember that morning when I went near you because I had no control over myself. I remember how mad I was when you asked me to the dance under your fathers orders i remember when we danced how I felt like there was no one there but us. I remember when we first kissed after making fun of Katrina or whatever her name was. I remember you holding me that night telling me that I was going to be alright and that I was not a monster. I remember when you took me to room where we had our picnic. I remember the night I gave everything to you and I will never forget them.

I love you Thor than anything or anyone in the nine realms and I'm sorry that I have left you but please do not live in a dark shadow live your life to the fullest stop only for a while and get back up and move on quickly. I promise you that this was my own choice. I could not stand the thought of people suffering.

I want you to smile Thor I do not want you to mourn. Mourn me for a few days but move on be the strong king I know you will. Be brave be couragous be fair. I will always remmeber your smile, warmth and kindness. Regret nothing only learn from it.

I love you. Remember that.

With love,

Celaena Sardothien,

Asgards Assassin.

I smiled through the tears that slid down my face. This letter was something I was going to cherish for the rest of my life. There was knock on my door and put the letter under my pillow on my bed and wiped the teard from y eyes. I walked to the door and opened it. There stood Fandral with a sad look on his face.

"It's time" he said "I'm sorry Thor but she threatened me and she is very scary."

I nodded and smiled slightly. We walked the rest of the way in silence. We reached the crowded banks of the river and headed to my father who stood with my mother at the mouth of the river which lead to the sea. I nodded to them and my father returned the gesture whilst my mother wrapped her arms around me. I turned and saw almost all of Asgard crowded together on the different sides of the river banks.

Then there was murmur through the crowd I saw the boat that held the woman I love floating softly down the river I watched as it floated closer one by one people released orbs of light into the sky. Once the boat neared me I looked at her still form even in death she was beautiful it was like she was asleep. I released my orb at the same time as my mother. The boat reached the mouth and entered the ocean. When it reached the middle of the ocean I was handed a bow with a lit arrow I raised it to the sky and let it go it landed in the middle of the boat lighting it in ball of fire. I watched in sadness as the boat floated to the edge and my father raised his scepter and banged it on the floor. The boat lifted in the air and floated along. It started to shimmer and dissapated into a million stars.

I watched in awe as the stars floated to the sky. I remembered the letter from Celaena and knew that I was going to be alright. She will always be there in my heart no matter what. And in that moment I knew that I could move on.




I hope you liked it please comment you thought over all.

I am writing another book it is not a sequel to this it is completely different it is called My Best Mistake.

Check on my profile to findd it i will be publishing it soon.



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