Chapter 29

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Celaena's POV

I sat in an open chair next to Odin, who was at the head of the long table. Thor took his place on his fathers other side and the warriors three and Sif sat next to me in a row. Conversations slowly started to quite down. There were still glares being pointed to me.

"We are here to discuss the up coming war with the metal giants." Odin began "As we know they declared war when they decided to speak against me in the meeting of the realms. He further insulted me by capturing my son and holding him captive. His action are what have led us to war."

There were murmurs around the table and I glowered. They are worse than a bunch of gossiping old women. The golden pillars that surrounded the room was covered in swirls of green leaves even though we were inside there were plants growing. I sighed bored of these people trying to come up with a plan, and that's why happens next is not my fault:

"Shut up!" I shouted "Shut up all of you! You fools arguing amongst yourselves as to which part of the army is strongest or where they have to placed, it's not going to help us. We need to speak one at a time have one voice to speak for all of us and that's our King. Odin will listen to each of you one at a time not all at the same time. We are acting like savages."

They all looked at me stunned Thor smiled at me from across the table and Odin was looking at me with a spark of pride. People shifted on their seats obviously uncomfortable. They looked at me with a mix of awe pride and recognition. I don't know where the recognition came from but I didn't care the war was coming and we needed to be prepared.

They all looked towards the map which was in the middle of the table. There were gold dots which represented our army, there were red dots which represented the metal giants. There were golden dots surrounding some of the palace walls and the rest were in an empty field, which was where the battle was to take place.

"So Celaena, Thor what do you think we should do?" Odin asked.

"I think it would be best to balance out our troops" Thor answered.

I nodded "Mhm, yes mix our strongest men around do not concentrate them in one place because we may just lose them then we would be hopeless."

Odin, nodded thought fully. The other council men seemed to be pondering over it.

"Alright say we do that where would you and Thor be?" a council man asked.

I looked at Thor and back to the guy "I would lead the first group of men Thor can take the second. I believe a good offence is also a good defense."

"But why do you go first?" Thor questioned.

"Because I would be able show them that we were not joking and hopefully have them back down. They know who I am and they are afraid of me, we can use that to our advantage."

They all looked at me convinced. I knew what I was doing. I have fought these giants before not in actual war but in training not to mention when I went rescue Thor.

"Very well." Odin stated "Celaena is right by sending her first we have the element of fear on our side which is what we need."

There was murmur of agreement across the room. The meeting after that was focused on how well the men are trained and if they are even ready for battle, not that they had much of a choice. Through out the meeting me and thor looked at each other with small smiles on our faces. But as I smiled I couldn't help but feel a weight in my heart like something was telling me to savour every moment I have with him. I tried to shake it off but I could not. What if something were to happen to him what would I do then. I shook head and told myself that I would not let anything happen to him.


Hey guys!!

I know I haven't updated in absolutely ages and I'm sorry something's came up. I just here to say thank you for sticking with me through out this story and I love you guys.

Thank you for all the reads and the votes and I would like to say that the story is nearing the end. I know this was a boring chapter but it's just a filler for the next few.

Okay anyway like I said love you guys..



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