Chapter 19

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Thor's POV

I ran through the crowd, which was now rowdier that before, probably due to the consumption of beer. I tried to pass the stampede as quickly as possible but it felt like an infinity before I was able to.

Once I made it past the ballroom I ran as quickly as I could through the golden corridors trying to get to Celaena's chambers. Along my way I passed Sif who looked at me with a nod. I slowed down and asked "Is it clear? Are there any giants?"

"No there weren't which is strange; we need to figure out what his plan was and why there were no other intruders" she answered swiftly.

I nodded slowly and turned walking rapidly to Celaena's door. I finally reached it and steadied myself. I could tell that she was upset when she ran away. But what shocked me the most was the tears that had stained her cheeks. I had never seen her cry, never thought that she had any tears to shed.

I opened the door and found myself staring at a room that looked nothing like the elegant chamber I came to when I took Celaena to the ball. The bed was striped of its covers and they were laying in ribbons across the floor. The curtains hang in ringlets that looked like blood, books lay on the floor in tatters it's cover ripped from the binds. The mirror, which used to hang above the dresser was bare the shards of glass shattered across the room like stars. Worst of all on the glass was splatters of blood.

I looked around the room and spotted a figure sitting in front of the balcony doors their eyes looking at me but at the same time not seeing me at all. Blood covered her fists which were curled tightly to her sides. The blood dripped relentlessly down in splatters on the floor. Black lines stained her once clear face, like black rivers. Her red dress was covered with droplets of black staining the once red fabric.

"Celaena?" I spoke softly as if I were speaking to a wild beast.

Her cold dead eyes looked at me with no emmotion. I walked slowly towards her minding the shards that lay on the floor surrounding her. I kneeled by her and tried to wrap my arms around her.

"No..." She whispered her voice hoarse from crying. "Don't touch me. I'm a curse, everyone I touch, everyone I love and who love me back dies and it's all my fault, all my fault" she said her voice rising with every word.

I looked at her shocked "What? Celaena what are you saying? It is not your fault. None of this is your fault!"

"But it is is it not? If I had fought that night maybe they would have lived, just maybe they might be here alive and well. And I wouldn't be in this mess!" She cried.

"You were young Celaena what could you have done. Do not blame yourself for something you could not stop" knowing that she was speaking of her parents deaths.

She stared at me her eyes cold "Really Thor? Really? When you were six I am absolutely sure that you were able to fight off monsters because you were capable therefore I should have been capable."

"No you would have not I am the prince it was my duty to learn how to fight but you were only a young girl and Celaena it is not true that people you love die it was only your parents"

"Kairon, he was my first love and he died because of me because of my recklessness in the assassination I saw his head get cut off before my eyes because...because I did not check for any guards! He died because of me Thor...because of me"

She let out a sob and wrapped her wounded hands around her arms digging them in I saw blood pool from the fresh wounds she was creating. I grabbed her hands away from her and pulled her to me. I held her to my chest. She tried to pull away but did not have the strength, giving in she sobbed into my armoured chest. With every sob it felt like my heart was being ripped out piece by piece.

"Celaena I am not going to force you to tell me. But would you explain to me the night of your parents death?"

She pulled away slightly and looked into my eyes. They were full so full of pain but there I could see indecision as to wether to trust me or not. Nodding quietly she took a ragged breath "I was six at that time sleeping in my parents chambers. It was just a usual night after dinner, my parents had just returned from the ball with the king" I stared at her my eyebrows raised in question she sighed " My father was your fathers lieutenant back then he was one of the best warriors which is probably the reason of their deaths. I was asleep peacefully when I heard a laugh. I woke to see ,what I once thought was guards, Flareos standing there my father and mother ready for battle. My father charged but the giant grabbed him by the neck and took out his heart. Then my mother in anger ran he caught her and ripped out her guts. I remember how he flung her onto the bed towards me. I remember feeling her blood on my face. He then took me out of the house flung me to the ground. I remember him kicking me punching me and he-"

"Flung you into a river thinking you were dead" I interrupted.

She gasped and looked at me " did you know?"

"I know this may sound strange but I had a dream exactly how you described it now. I remember a little girl in the bed and I had recognised her and now I know why because it was you"

She looked at him disbelief "Buy how? No one know especially not you we hardly spoke to each other"

"It is because you share a bond" a soothing voice spoke out.

We were so engrossed in our conversation I did not notice my mother, Frigga, had entered the room. She walked over to where me and Celaena sat huddled together.

"My dear I am sorry for what you have experienced." My mother said touching Celaena's head. "Thor will you please get her other clothing that she will be comfortable in"

"Yes mother" I spoke softly. I shifted and placed Celaena on the floor and my mother wrapped her arms around her. I walked into the closet picking out shorts and a shirt knowing she was more comfortable in these. I walked out to see mother holding Celaena close to her chest.

I handed Celaena her clothes and turned away knowing that she would want to change. I heard the fabric slipping off and falling to the floor. I heard someone shift behind and turned. She was standing, now wearing the clothes that I gave her.

"Mother what did you mean that we were bonded?" I asked her.

She sighed and stood " Thor the reason you dreamt of Celaena's past is because you are bonded. It is a rare and precious thing and I did not think I would live to see a bond. A bond links you the a person who you are meant to love. You are able to see each other's pasts and can sometimes feel what the other is feeling"

"But why did Thor have a dream about my past and I have not had one of his" Celaena questioned.

"It is because Celaena you are trying to block off the feeling of love therefore your brain has made a barrier that blocks off the dreams."

"But I never showed that I loved her" I protested.

"No but you did not try to deny them as much as Celaena did" Frigga stated.

I looked over at Celaena and her eyes showed hope but over the hope was sadness. "Thor take Celaena to your room tonight ,I will send someone to clean all of this away." My mother said gesturing to the mess around us.

I nodded and put my arm around Celaena's shoulders and lead her to my bedroom. She sat down on the bed and put her head in her hands. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. My mother was right I loved this girl more than I thought and I was not going to let her go.

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