Chapter 17

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Celaen's POV

I walked through my room into my closet. I looked at the range of dresses that were already there when I came. There was so many colours and styles I did not even know what to choose.

I needed something that was scrap pretty I needed something that made me to die for. But I also needed something that did not make it hard to fight. Wow... I'm impossible.

I looked around and a red dress stood out. Red was my colour so I decided to wear it.

It fell off my shoulders in waves that covered my arms in red curtain. It hugged my chest and then fell down to my ankles. I wore a pair of black sandals and looked at myself in the mirror. I left my hair how it was in waves and put kohl around my eyes making them smoky. AI put on mascara, which I got from earth and black eye shadow with red lipstick. After a few minutes I was ready and all I had to do was wait for Thor to arrive.

Thor's POV

Once I arrived at the kingdom after losing the race with Celaena I walked into my room and had a bath. I needed to calm myself after that conversation with her. She was angry for some reason. Maybe it was because I asked her to the ball under my fathers order. Of course it was. It's a ball, I ruined everything. I ran my hand over my face.

She held my hand. She held my hand. What does that mean? Does she feel something for me? I sighed getting out of the bath and got dressed in my armour. I walked out of my room ready to get Celaena. I decided I would make it up to her I would dance with her make her feel like she was special to me and I she is, some how along the way I fell in love with the assassin. I really did I shouldn't have said any thing about my father.

I knocked on the door and it opened. I stared at the beauty before me and that's all I did I stared and stared and stared. She looked amazing. She wore a red dress that made her skin look brighter her eyes had a dark out line making the blue vivid and the black ring around her iris more prominent. Her red lips tilted up in a small smile. Her hair was down to her mid back in waves and on her collar you can see some of her tattoo.

"Umm...h..hello." I stuttered. "Are you ready to go?"

Her smile grew wider and nodded. "Let's go"

I held my arm out and she slipped her hand around it holding my bicep. She was beautiful and I was taking her to the ball. I was right she deserve better than a fake date that was ordered by my father. No she deserved it to be real and I was going to make it as real as possible for her.


Celaena's POV

I was reading a book when there was knock on my door. I stood up smoothing down my dress, walked to the door opening it and came face to face with Thor in his armour his eyes bright. He was staring and it stayed that way his eyes roaming my body. I felt a shiver run through me as he took me in. He was handsome so handsome it was painful. But he was only taking me under orders.

I smiled at him slightly and he spoke "Umm...h..hello." he stuttered. "Are you ready to go?"

My smile grew wider and nodded. "Let's go"

He held out hid arm and I took it. His arm was solid under my hand. He led me into the large ballroom with loads of people dancing around. In the middle of the dance floor was Odin and Frigga. Odin was holding her close to him, looking at her lovingly.

I looked at them and smiled they were so in love. The man who killed my parents in love it didn't make sense for him to kill senselessly. I groaned silently and looked away. In the corner of the room was Fandral with a lady sitting on his lap kissing. I laughed at the sight wondering how many others he has done that with this night.

Thor looked at me and smiled "Can I have this dance?" He asked when the music started.

I laughed and took his hand and curtsied. He took me in his arms and spun me through the crowed. There were any glares from women around the room. We were dancing so smoothly I did not even notice that another song had come on. I was lost in his eyes at the way they shimmered. I couldn't look away and it seemed that neither could he. For the first time since Kairons death I felt safe and I felt the feeling of love return to me, like a warm blanket wrapping me up.

After what seemed like forever there was a cough and we stopped looking over at blond woman who was wearing a sky blue gown with hazel eyes that was flashing with anger.

"Thor." She started in a annoyingly fake sweet voice. "Sweetie we haven't even danced yet you do remember that night last week right when we had sooo much fun" she added a wink flashing her angry eyes to me.

He looked at her in alarm and looked back at me "It was just one night Kari it does not matter I do not have any feelings for you"

Kari looked at him with a smile "Are you sure about that?" She whispered seductively and walked up to him running her hand up his chest to his shoulder "Come on Thor leave her be I am better company I mean look at her she is not princess like at all."

That snapped me out of just watching then talk to each other and I stepped up to her with a smirk "Look Kari I may not be princess material but I sure as hell am killing material. I wonder what you pretty little head looks like on a spike."

Thor's eyes widened as did Kari's. Thor came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist I stiffened and Kari looked at him in shock and much to my amusement even more anger.

"Look Kari it was only a night and we did not do anything but kiss. The truth is I love Celaena and she will be my princess I hope."

When those words left his mouth Kari gasped and stormed off fuming. I laughed and turned around with Thor's arms still around my waist. "Well done I don't think she could have gotten any angrier."

He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. I froze and looked at him. Wait was he serious? Did he possibly love me? His eyes stared into mine and started to lean towards me. His hands pulled me closer I felt my lips graze his and I felt my arms wrap around his neck pulling him closer. His breath brushed against my lips and I couldn't get enough. Our lips moved in synchronisation. I opened my eyes and out in the balcony a large shape moved. I gasped pulling away.

Thor looked at me confused. "Thor there's an attack."

His eyes widened and looked out the balcony in time to see another shape run past.

"Let's go" I pulled on his arm and he ran along side with me. The warriors three and Sif ran along side us immediately noticing our worry. We ran out to the balcony in time to see a large shape come out of the dark and smile down at us.

"You" I breathed out.

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