Chapter 7

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Celaenas POV

We entered the dinning room, which was full of the people who lived in the palace. I felt all eyes turn to me as walked in behind Thor, shrugging I carried on walking, not caring. I knew why they were staring. It was my attire. On Asgard it was seen as wrong for women to wear trousers but I could not care less.

The room had golden pillars surrounding the place where people sat and ate. There was different sets of tables and they were full of merry people talking, laughing and some even singing. There were many platters of food around the tables. Drinks were passed around and there were screams of "Another!" indicating that they wanted more.

At the head of the table was the king and his queen, Frigga. She was a beautiful woman with honey coloured hair that curled over her shoulder. She had warm eyes and she radiated motherly care for everyone in the room. When her eyes looked at me she smiled full of warmth. When I looked at her I was reminded of my own mother, who was lost long ago. I felt a pain in my chest grow and I immediately looked away with tears starting to sting my eyes.

I caught Thor looking at me curiously and I gave him a glare.

Following Thor to a table closer to the king and queen, I sat down next to Fandral with Thor on my other side.

"Hello" he said in a voice like honey and kissed my hand lingering a bit.

"Hello Sir Fandral" I smiled in return.

"I must say I admire your choice in clothing"

"Why thank you, but you may be the only one to think that" I smiled.

"No I do not think I am. Have you not seen every mans eye turn away form their woman to look at you when you walked in?"

"I can not say I did" I giggled. I kew this game. I have not flirted with anyone since my exile. Oh mighty Odin this is fun.

I felt Thor shift beside me obviously annoyed "Fandral" he said as a warning.

I laughed and turned back to my dashing companion.

After dinner we headed staight back to mhy chambers with Thor whispering angrily at Fandral. When we reached my bedroom I walked inside leaving them to discuss what they wanted. I quickly changed into my night attire of a top and shorts.

"Fandral will be outside your door tonight and we will begin to train tomorrow..." Thor muttered, walking in. When he saw what I was wearing he looked away blushing.

I looked at him smiling and nodded "Very well, good night Thor"

"Good night" was all he replied.

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