Chapter 8

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Thors POV

I walked swiftly over to my door just along the corridor. When I closed the door I leant against it sighing. What has just happened? When I saw what she was wearing I could not help but admire how her legs seem to go on forever. What?! Stop it Thor she is an assassin with blood on her hands you can not, should not, admire her.

I walked over to my dresser and removed my armour and cape. I took off my shirt leaving me in my slacks. I walked over to my bed thoughts swirling around my head.

What was that look she had when she looked at my mother? It was like she remebering something that pained her I may have even seen a tear in her eyes. I felt pity towards her. I did not know why I felt that way she was heartless was she not. With those thougts swirling aorund in my head I fell asleep.

It was dark and raining and I as inside a house that I didn't recognise. I was in a room and there were three figures in a bed sleeping soundly.

There was loud bang and one of the figures woke. It was a beautiful woman with silk like black hair. She looked around and her eyes widdened I looked to where her eyes were.

There were large figures behind the curtain that separated their room from another. She quickly shook the other figure on the bed and a man sat up instantly aware that they were not alone. The figure in the middle shifted and the woman leaned other and kissed it's forehead, it was a young girl.

The two adults got up drawing blades. Suddenly a large and unrecognisable form appeared through the curtain and cuckeled.

"Get out" the man growled.

The shape shifted and threw his head back laughing. This woke the young girl in the bed her eyes were wide looking at the scene before her. Suddenly the shape attacked striking the man.

The man dodged and tried to strike the form but it simply bounced off. The girl was in the bed crying and I felt a force tugging me towards her to try and comfort her but I could not move.

The shape picked up the man by the throat and and drove it's hand throuh his chest pulling out his heart. The woman screamed and the gir looked on with terror in her eyes.

"No!" I tried to yell but with no success.

The woman ran forward and the the shape dropped the limp man and turned to the woman grabbing her hair and slammed his hand in the stomach pulling out her innards. He threw the limp shape to the bed and it landed infront of the young girl splashing blood on her young, frightened face.

The shape walked towards the bed and pulled the girl up with her screaming out "Mama! Papa!"

It grabbed her and took her with him down andout into the night air towards the river. It slammed her on the ground and kicked her. She gasped and spat blood from her mouth. Then it picked her up and threw her in to the icy oblivion of the river.

I woke up shouting "NO!". I ran my hand through my golden hair which was sticky due to sweat. I looked around my room which was bathed in light from the golden sun.

I got up and went to the washing chamber and ran warm water into the tub and slid in. Once I was done I put on my armour but not my cape. I walked out of the room and headed towards Celaena's room with the young girls screams echoeing in my head.

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