Chapter 14

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Thors POV

After dinner we left and I headed straight for my room leaving Hogun outside Celaena's bedroom door.

I sighed and went out to my balcony. I looked out to the night sky. There were stars dotted around Asgard. It was different from the other worlds. I would like to say that it was more beautiful. I guess it is true in some respects, for what other realm has a golden kingdom and a golden dome. But we are not the most a advanced. I look to Midgard and I see how much they have developed and how they are more civil than us. But then there are the evil souls that live there and it makes me wonder if we are all that different.

Knowing that tomorrow was going to be a long day I decided to try and get some sleep. As I lay there I could not help but think why Celaena would say such things to me ,why she trusted me enough to tell a little of her childhood. It was truly horrifying to think that she had to break her own hand to prove something to her master. To me it was no problem to hurt others who have done wrong. But how can a man ask a young girl to break her hand just for the sake of training, yet she took it in stride and did it herself as if it were nothing. I shook my head. There was more to that girl than her snarky remarks and harsh comments. I believed underneath she was hurt so badly hurt that she locked herself up and only let the bad side of her out.

I could not imagine her kill someone at such a young age, even now with her warm skin and strange eyes I could not see her kill anyone but I remember that night of the captains celebration. I remember going out with the guards and seeing the frost giant body hanging limply on the wall with only a sword through the heart to hold him up. I remember seeing the blood that covered the alley. I shuddered as I saw the bloodied body flashed before my closed eyes.

After awhile of laying in my bed I fell asleep:

"Thor?" A woman's voice called out to me. I recognised the voice but I did not know where from.

My body responded without me thinking. I walked out to a balcony that looked strangely like mine. There stood the woman, who I presumed called my name. She turned her blue eyes, which were ringed with black looked up to me with a small smile.

" There you are." She smiled.

"I missed you." My voice responded. I realised I didn't have control over my body but I could see everything. And I knew who that girl was

" Celaena" I sighed and pulled her close to me.

I could not process what was happening. Why am I here with her? Why is it like we are in love?

"How was the meeting?" Celaena asked resting her head on my chest. This felt right for some reason, the way her body fitted perfectly against mine.

I looked down at her and chuckled " It was all the same, the realms are still at peace."

She smiled and I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers.

I woke up and looked around the room. What was that? Why did I kiss Celaena? And most of all why did it feel right to feel her pressed up against me? I groaned and went out to look at the kingdom and take a breath. I did not know what that dream meant but I wanted to figure it out and soon.

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