Chapter 22

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Celaena POV

It has been almost two weeks since the night of the attack in which nothing actually happened. We have trained relentlessly everyday making sure that the men knew what they were doing.

In this time me and Thor have gotten close, closer than we already were. I found out about how his father had found Loki as child who was abandoned. He told me how Loki found out about how he was not actually related to Thor or Frigga and Odin and that he was adopted. It was what caused him to turn. Learning this I felt bad for Loki I understood how he felt knowing that they weren't really his family. The feeling of never belonging after all I felt that when I was training with Abrobyn.

I was sitting in my room reading because we decided to take a break from training since it was obvious the men were getting tired. I stood up from my chair sighing. I was tired of sitting around in my room. I know strange isn't it I mean we are taking a break from moving around.

Walking to the door I decided I would take a walk in the gardens. I strolled through the halls thinking about how my life seemed to fix its self. But I could not help but feel this was the calm before the storm. Sighing I followed the path to the garden. There was a small pond full of lily pads some containing white lilies that seemed to be glowing. It was truly beautiful it was just so alive here. It was as if there was no war looming just around the horizon.

After walking though for awhile I heard voices around the corner. One was deep and chuckling lightly and the other was the annoying voice of Kari. I growled wanting to turn around but this was the way to my room. Shrugging I walked straight on. I turned the corner and froze.

It was Thor with his arms wrapped around Kari, and they were locked in a passionate kiss. I felt my world shatter around me as I saw Kari run her hand through his hair. I knew it. I knew that I was too happy that my life was too perfect. I shouldn't have trusted him.

I turned and went back around the corner and looked at the wall which was covered in vines. I grabbed one and hauled myself up higher and higher. I finally reached a window climbed through. I ran through the corridors and into my room. I slammed my door and screamed.

I grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled screaming even louder. I felt tears sliding down my face. After screaming till my throat hurt I sunk to my knees and sobbed. How could he? How could he do this? It was all a lie, we weren't mates. Even if we were we aren't meant to be together. I growled and stood. Walking into my closet I grabbed a pair of skinny leather jeans and a red tank top. I put them on with a pair of black high heeled knee high boots. I put on my make up with blood red lipstick.

Shrugging on a leather jacket I walked out of my room. I walked out of the palace unnoticed and arrived at a well known pub. Walking in I looked around drunk men and whores that roamed the place. Many ignored me but some looked over. Men with lust in their eyes and women looking at me with annoyance for whatever reason I didn't care I came for one thing and that was to drink, drink till I could not remember what had happened.

I walked to the bar and asked for one of their strongest drinks. The man looked at me and shrugged. He placed the glass in front of me with a thunk. I grabbed it and was about to tip it down when someone sat next to me "Are you sure you can drink all of that?"

I looked to find a guys with green eyes and blonde hair he had a tall build and muscled arms. I glared at him tipped it all the way back swallowing all of the drink it burned my throat but in a good way. Taking the hint of not wanting to talk the guy walked away. I asked for another and was handed one. I drank it already feeling the effects of the first.

Hours later I was stumbling through the streets of Asgard. Suddenly, there was laughing from behind me, I turned almost falling over. "Hello beautiful! Why are you walking through the streets alone?"

"None of your business" I said slurring slightly.

He threw his head back and laughed. He was the guy from the bar and he was wasted. I guessed even if he wasn't wasted he would have still taken advantage of a woman. He reminded me of the frost giant back then and I was not happy with that.

Smiling seductively I said "Would you like to keep me company?"

He grinned and started to walk to me. I turned and walked towards an alley he followed willingly. When we reached the alley I turned and looked at him fluttering my eyes. I ran my hand up his chest and spun him around so he faced the wall. I leaned forward and he readied himself for my lips but they never came.

A dagger appeared in my hand and I plunged it into his legged piercing it through his skin and bone through to the the wall and forcing it even further. He gasped and groaned. He grabbed his leg and tried to pull it out but before he could I slashed his ankles causing his legs to give way but the dagger help him up by one leg.

Grinning menacingly I pulled out the dagger and he collapsed to the floor. His breath was ragged and he was whimpering.

"You should not mess with someone like me" I smirked.

I stabbed the dagger back in and heard the satisfying squelch of metal against skin. Another dagger appeared in my other hand and I plunged it into his other leg he let out a strangled scream. I laughed and put my face close to his my hair falling around me like a curtain.

"Tell me have you done this to others?"

He looked at me with fear in his eyes but kept his mouth shut. I grinned "Pick a finger" I had another dagger and plunged it into his arm blood squirting everywhere dripping down the wall all over my face and I didn't care it felt good in fact.


I sighed dramatically. "Pick a finger or I'll do it myself."

He shook his head his whole body shaking. "Fine" I smiled sweetly.

"Let's start with the thumb shall we?"

His eyes widened as I plunged the dagger into his thumb. Before he screamed I cut another. And waited while his he shouted out. I looked at him suddenly bored.

I got up and summoned a sword. I turned and faced him. "Oh well. Goodbye."

I swung my sword and there was satisfying thud. I laughed and walked away stalking back to the place the head hanging in my hand leaving a trail of blood where I went.

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