Chapter 24

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Celaena's POV

It's been two day since what happened with Thor. Those few days I trained the men. Those few days I felt dead inside. I didn't care about anything. When I was not doing anything I stayed in my chambers reading or staring out the balcony. Thor has tried to speak with me but I ignored him, walking away and choosing to speak with Sif instead.

A week from today was the start of the war. The men were ready and I was ready. I wanted to win my freedom and leave. I decided if I did survive this I would return to Earth and never return to Asgard unless I am needed. I sat in my room my head in my hands. My head ached from all the thoughts going through my head.

I wanted to leave get out of here so I did. Grabbing my jacket I walked out to the stables and took Sunhild. Saddling her I galloped away to regain my thoughts and sense.


Thor's POV

I stood there in the shadows watching her gallop away on Sunhild. I did not understand she has not spoken to me for two days. It felt like weeks already. I wanted to so badly walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist and burry my head into her hair dark hair. Every time I saw her she was not herself at all. Her eyes, which used to show brightness and cunning was now replaced with hollowness.

I still remember the night of the meeting, the way the blood of a man stained her pale white cheeks, how she simply tossed the head like it was nothing. I was worried that my father would decide to imprison her because of what she did. But to my surprise he didn't.

I sighed and walked out from behind the pillar. I went to garden since it was the best place for me to think. I looked at bright flowers and went over to a bench and sat there. Why? Why did this happen? Who has done this? I miss her. I miss Celaena so much it hurts. I miss her smile, her laugh and well everything. I growled under my breath and stood up walking to the palace wall and smashed my fist against it. The stone cracked and I let out heavy breaths.

I leaned my head on the wall and shut my eyes. Suddenly I felt hand grab me and the world went black.


Celaena's POV

After awhile of riding around I felt sick of seeing the people milling around happily. I heard people speaking of a headless body found unrecognisable. I smiled bitterly to myself. I remembered every bit of the night even if I was drunk. I remember the satisfaction of hearing the blade on his flesh and the way that his blood dripped all over me.

I returned to the palace and entered my room. I headed to my bed and collapsed on top of it. Bored, I decided to read. Put my hand to the table near my bed searching for my book. When it could not find it I sat up and I found a folded sheet of paper. I opened it and read:

Dear Celaena,

I know you will find this and when you do you better hurry to get to your beloved. We have Thor if you do not come we will kill him and he will know you had a chance to save him but you didn't.

We are at the abandoned barn. You know which one after all, most of your murders happened here. When you arrive I have a preposition. You better hurry and do not bring anyone I am very impatient.

And if you do decide to bring any one he will die. If you don't come because you are over come with hatred because of his deeds well then maybe I should tell you I enjoyed toying with your emotions though I wish I did not have to kiss that snivelling excuse of a woman. I would have rather kissed you but we cannot have it all.

I am waiting,


I stared at the note my mind reeling. What? What?! They have Thor. And it was Flareos kissing Kari not Thor. I swore. Then I felt coldness descend over me. Getting up I went to my closet grabbing my Shield uniform; a black leather cat suit and knee high boots.

Grabbing a black cloak I strode out of my room to the stables. I took out Sunhild and rode away a cold dead feeling settling in my heart.

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