Chapter 32

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Celaena's POV

That night I lay there on Thor's bare chest unable to fall asleep. I had discussed my plan to the warriors three, Heimdall and of course Odin. They were all part of this scheme. I knew I was taking a huge risk, but it did not matter.

I got up suddenly unable to sit still. I stood ad walked to the balcony and stood there looking at the beautiful sight of Asgard. This was my home, my pain, my exile, my heart and my end. I will not see this place in ruin. I heard shuffling behind me and turned. Thor smiled slightly and came over wrapping his arms around my waist his chin resting on the top of my head.

"What are you doing up?" he muttered sleepily.

"I couldn't sleep you do not need to worry yourself," I said.

"You need your sleep Celaena, after all, you will be training the men tomorrow."

I smiled at how much he cared "I know, very well come on let us go to sleep."

I pulled him to the bed and lay down he wrapped one of his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I fell asleep slowly absorbing the warmth that Thor radiated.

I woke up next morning and dressed in black jeans and black trainers a black tank top and jumper. I was in a dark mood today, the plan was about to happen. I walked with Thor to breakfast and sat with him leaning my head on his shoulder. I smiled when he attempted to make jokes.

Once done him Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg headed towards the Bifrost. I followed them holding Thor's hand tightly in my own. He looked at me with a frown, and I just smiled at him trying to look as ordinary as I possibly could. When we reached the dome, I turned to Thor and wrapped my arms around him.

"Celaena what is wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing I just want to thank you for everything. For being there for me. And for loving me for who I am." I smiled fighting back the tears that threatened to spill. I pressed my lips against his and kissed him hard.

When we pulled away, we leant our foreheads together our breaths mingling.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too. I will see you soon."

I nodded softly and pulled away. Heimdall opened the swirling electric vortex. I watched as Thor waved at me one last time before stepping into the portal. Fandral looked at me with sad eyes. I nodded slowly.

When they all stepped through Heimdall closed the Bifrost. I looked at him and murmured "Do not open the portal until it is all over."

He nodded solemnly "Good luck Celaena."

I let out a breath and started the walk over the rainbow bridge watching as the waves crashed against the shores of Asgard. I walked through the village where I had played around in when I was a child before I was turned into an assassin. I remember learning about my powers one night when I was 5. I was angry because someone had stolen my favourite doll and I had sound a dagger to my hand thank goodness my parents were there to help me control it.

Instead of heading to the palace I went to an empty field where there was nothing, not even grass. The ground was grey like it was dead and had no life. I looked at the grey sky the sun's rays did not even reach the broken, lifeless clouds.

I looked around and spotted Odin on the north side while on the south stood Flareos. I took a shuddering breath and stalked my way towards the King.

"It is done. Thor has left it is time to start the duel." I said.

"Very well." Odin nodded.

"Flareos!" Odin started "The time has approached, are you ready to begin?"

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