Chapter 13

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Thor's POV

I could not believe what she said. I was not pleased. How dare she? She does not even know a single thing about me. She is nothing more than an assassin who got lucky. She someone who is nothing more than piece in the game of war. She is also someone full of secrets, sadness and strength. I looked to her and the awe in her eyes as she looked through the books. What is it about her that draws me in? Is it her way of being kind yet cruel? Or how her eyes light up when she looks at a book?

"How many books are there in here?" her voice broke through my thoughts.

" I do not know we lost count after collecting copies of each book from each realm." I spoke quietly.

She looked away and smiled. She ran her left hand along the shelves and that's when I noticed a large scar that ran in between two of her fingers, down to the end of her wrist.

"Where did you get that?" I asked without thinking.

She flipped her head to me and then to her hand. I saw her eyes dim as if the memory itself was taking the life out of her. Turning away from the shelves she walked towards the table and looked at the carved patterns. A piece of hair fell onto her face and something about the sudden look of vulnerability made me want to take her into my arms and tell her everything was alright.

She sat and looked at me with a wry smile "It was when I was 13 I was training with Abrobyn. It was sword fighting. He was seeing how well I was doing I guess. When he told me to fight with my right hand he decided that I was not as good as when I fought with my left, after all my left is my dominant hand. So he gave me a choice; either I broke my hand myself or he could do it for me. I choose to do it myself. I guess I wanted to prove something to him. I wanted to prove that I was capable.

"After dinner I was out by myself I went to one of the heaviest doors there was on campus. I put my hand between the frame and slammed the door shut. It cut through to the bone and broke it. It took almost six months for it to heal it would have taken longer if I was not immortal but in that time I became good at handling my sword with both of my hands."

I looked at her in shock. How could she have gone through that at only 13? No wonder she acted like this she was raised by a heartless monster. " I'm sorry"

She looked at me and smirked "What for? You were not there ,you could not have stopped it even if you were."

I looked her and felt the longing to put my arms around her grow stronger. Her hair had a warm glow from the light. Her eyes looked at him. They were bright like the sky and I wanted to stay looking at her forever. Suddenly, she stood going back to the shelves. I shook my head. What just happened? Why am I feeling like this towards her, of all people?

I sighed and stood " Let's go it is almost time for dinner"

She picked a couple of books and nodded and followed me out towards the dinner hall.

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