Chapter 16

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Celaena POV

Thor flicked his wrist spurring his horse on as I followed behind him. My hair, which I left down, was now flying behind me in waves. I loved this feeling, this feeling of freedom. I haven't felt this in a long time. Sure on Earth I was pretty free but it never felt like this. On Earth it was like there were boundaries whilst here you can ride any where. Do not get me wrong I loved their cars and motorbikes they were amazing but it could never beat the feeling of riding a live animal.

I was so deep in thought that I did not realise that we have come into a field and Thor was slowing down his horse. We came to a stop near a large tree with branches that seem to go on forever. It leaves were a bright green and it was sparkling. We tied the reins of our horses to a low branch.

"It is the tree of dreams. Everyone's dream come from here." Thor said.

I nodded and looked down the field we were actually on cliff. Thor walked closer to the edge and I follow. My breath is taken away by the sight bellow. It was the ocean but here it was clear and you can see straight through to the see bed. There were plants that were moving in sync with the waves. It was like the plants there had a life of there own. Then out of the corner of my eye there was a shape flitting just under the surface. Water pixies. They were beautiful with blue hair and a tail of a mermaid and wings like a faerie. Their tails were a deep blue that faded to a light blue they controlled the water around them making it bend to their will. It was breathtaking.

Thor sat down and stared up at the blue sky. I sat next to him and sighed. "It's lovely here"

"Yes me and my brother used to come here before he..." He trailed away I looked over at him and saw pain in his eyes.

I put my hand over his large one and he looked at me in surprise "I'm sorry for what happened with him"

"You heard of it?"

"Yes I did, it was pretty big."

He nodded and looked back at the sky. I kept my hand on his and he flipped his hand so our palms were touching. I smiled slightly and looked down at the sea. It was relaxing out here with the wind blowing through my hair. The way my hand fit perfectly in Thor's was calming. I did not know why I did it. I just felt that he needed someone there for him ,that he spent his time acting like some brave king instead of a heart broken man who lost his brother and he needed someone to comfort him.

"So..." He started sitting up in the process pulling his hand from mine "As you know there is a ball tonight in honour of my mother and fathers marriage. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me."

I looked at him shocked, why was he asking me? "Are you sure that you want me to come I'm sure other women are dying to throw themselves at you" trying to cover my unease with a snarky remark.

"Actually my father told me to bring you"

"Oh... Fine I guess since he told you to" I said trying to disguise the disappointment that tried to lace it's way into my voice.

He smiled and looked out over the ocean his blue eyes were brighter than they were usually and I felt my self being captivated by them. I don't why I felt like this, he is the son of the man who killed my parents, the guys whose father sent his guard to kill them before my eyes leaving me with nightmares. It was his father who ordered his men to throw me into the cold water of the river left to be found by Abrobyn.

My anger that has somehow calmed, now is bright and simmering just below the surface. How dare he order his son to take me to a ball it is almost exactly like he is ordering me to come. I am only here for one thing and that is my freedom not to fall in love or become part of the kings loyal followers. I am here for my freedom.

"What's it like on Earth?" Thor's voice broke through my angry thoughts.

"Why would you like to know?" I snapped letting some of my anger leak out.

He looked at me his eyes growing wide "I'm sorry if I am prying. I am just wondering."

I shut my eyes taking deep breaths " I'm sorry it's just...nothing. Well it's nothing like this it's full of vehicles that run on fuel. They don't really speak to each other there and if they do it's hostile but maybe that's just where I was sent maybe it's different from the rest of that world. The people who took me in are smart and brave but I consider some of them foolish sometimes. They are sometimes too easy to trust and I think of that as a weakness. They think of us as immortal gods" I chuckled.

He joined in laughing slightly and raised an eye brow "What did you say to that?"

"I told them that we are like them, in many ways we are just enhanced. We do not live forever we just live much longer than them. We can still get hurt even if we can heal we can still die from fatal wounds."

He smiled wide at me showing his perfect white teeth and a small dimple. I felt my heart flutter despite my earlier rant in my head. "Shall we go I need time to prepare." I murmured.

Nodding, he stood up heading to the horses. I looked out to the ocean and sighed walking away back to my horse and we galloped back to the kingdom racing to see who gets there first.

I did. Of course.


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